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7 Ways to Save on Cereal

save on cerealCold cereal can be a quick and easy breakfast, not to mention nutritious, if you select it carefully. With less than a minute to spare, the first meal of the day can be on the table, and your morning can commence. Cereal can also serve as easy-to-eat snacks, packed in lunch boxes or available after school and on car trips.

The problem with cold cereal, though, is that it tends to be on the expensive side for the amount purchased, plus it can be consumed very quickly. Depending on your family size and dynamics, a $4 box of cereal could last for as little as two days, sometimes even less.

In order to enjoy cereal and still keep the grocery budget in check, it is important to find ways to save on cereal. Here are 7 strategies we can all use.

Use High Value Coupons on Sample Sizes

Many cereal brands come in sample or individual sizes. This cereal may be in the form of a small box or more likely, a cup. Sometimes combining high value coupons to these sample sizes will bring the cost down to free. Just check your coupons to make sure that there are no restrictions on the sizes that you must purchase with them.

Combine Sales, Coupons and Promotions

You’ll get the cheapest prices on cold cereal when you take advantage of multiple ways to save. Known as combinations, adding a coupon with a sale or doing a triple combination (store coupon, plus regular coupon, plus sale) will get you the most savings. Don’t forget to turn in cereal rebates as well.

Get started by browsing the grocery flyers for sales and then matching them with your coupons and rebates.

Buy Generic

Generic or store brand versions are available for many of the most popular types of cereal, and you can save a significant amount when you choose these generic brands over the name-brand cereals. Some store brands taste exactly like their name brand competitors, because often the same manufacturer produces both. Other store brands taste different, so you may have to experiment a little bit to find your favorites.

Buy in Bulk

You can automatically save approximately 30 percent on your cereal purchases, when you it in bulk at a warehouse grocery store. Generally the cereal is packaged in two to four regular or large size boxes, so it doesn’t have to all be opened at once, preserving the cereal from going stale too soon.

Buy at Bargain Stores

Shop at bargain stores to get the cheapest prices on cereal without the fuss, especially if you aren’t brand loyal. Basic grocery stores, such as Aldi’s offer really cheap prices, as do dollar stores that also sell groceries.

Limit the Sugary Cereal

Ounce per ounce, sugary cereal has less nutrition than plain or healthy brands. Since cereal is so expensive, concentrate your purchases on good-for-you versions to make sure that you get the best food for your buck. Not surprisingly, sugary versions of cereal also contain a lot of artificial color and flavoring.

Purchase It From Extreme Couponers

Many extreme couponers have built their own home businesses selling items that they have gotten for free or nearly free. You’ll see plenty of grocery stock at yard sales or advertised online. Often you can get cereal this way at a fraction of the retail cost. If you get to know one of these extreme couponers, well, you may even be able to “place an order” on your favorite cereal.


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About Mary Ann Romans

Mary Ann Romans is a freelance writer, online content manager, wife and mother of three children. She lives in Pennsylvania in the middle of the woods but close enough to Target and Home Depot. The author of many magazine, newspaper and online articles, Mary Ann enjoys writing about almost any subject. "Writing gives me the opportunity to both learn interesting information, and to interact with wonderful people." Mary Ann has written more than 5,000 blogs for Families.com since she started back in December 2006. Contact her at maromans AT verizon.net or visit her personal blog http://homeinawoods.wordpress.com