About Teresa McEntire

Teresa McEntire grew up in Utah the oldest of four children. She currently lives in Kuna, Idaho, near Boise. She and her husband Gene have been married for almost ten years. She has three children Tyler, age six, Alysta, four, and Kelsey, two. She is a stay-at-home mom who loves to scrapbook, read, and of course write. Spending time with her family, including extended family, is a priority. She is a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and currently works with the young women. Teresa has a degree in Elementary Education from Utah State University and taught 6th grade before her son was born. She also ran an own in-home daycare for three years. She currently writes educational materials as well as blogs for Families.com. Although her formal education consisted of a variety of child development classes she has found that nothing teaches you better than the real thing. She is constantly learning as her children grow and enjoys sharing that knowledge with her readers.

Stats Show: Smoking Down – Weight Up

Here are the latest statistics about children in the United States. All of the statistics were taken from the brief, America’s Children in Brief: Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 2006, which can be found on the site Childstats.gov. Child Stats is composed of a group of federal agencies that analyzes and reports data on children and families. In the report I found that there are a number of improvements as well as a few things that we need to improve upon. The birthrate to unmarried teenagers has been declining since 1994. But recently the birthrate among unmarried women 20 and … Continue reading

Making Good Friends

Friends can have an enormous influence in our children’s lives. These friendships can be for the good or have a detrimental effect upon our child. So as parents it is important that we help our children cultivate and maintain good friends. Good friends are invaluable, especially for teenagers. You might wonder how can you help your child choose good friends. Read on for some ideas. Talk about good friends. Help your child make a list of characteristics that a good friend has. Encourage them to be a good friend as well. This way they are more likely to attract good … Continue reading

Sports Are Just A Game

There is no doubt that sports can have a positive impact upon kids. Belonging to a team gives kids an instant identity and group to belong with. They also learn skills like setting goals, dealing with adversity, and sportsmanship. Playing sports can also have a positive impact upon a child’s self-esteem. David Burnett, author of “It’s Just A Game!” says sports gives children some control. When playing sports kids “learn the rules of the game — and the more they learn, the more they are in control — and they’re going to learn about sportsmanship and [how] to control their … Continue reading

How To Establish A Curfew

Research from the Search Institute shows that children even teenagers need boundaries. They need to have clear rules and consequences. They need parents who know where they are and who they are with. Part of these boundaries consists of establishing a curfew. Establish a curfew when your children are young. Don’t decide what your child’s curfew will be the night of an activity. If you establish the curfew so your children know what is expected before a situation arises there will be less conflict. You should also discuss what the consequences will be if the curfew is broken. Allow your … Continue reading

When You Want To Hit A Bully Follow-up

This week I posted a blog titled “When You Want To Hit A Bully” and I just wanted to follow up on the story. The other day we told my son to hit the kid who had been bullying him for the last year at the bus stop. We felt like we had exhausted all other possibilities. My husband remembered when he was in junior high and a certain boy constantly bullied him. But one day my husband went up to the bully and hit him. After that the bully left him alone. So we felt like the action was … Continue reading

Be Firm

It is so easy to give into our children’s desires especially when they are crying in the supermarket or hanging on your leg. Yet giving into our children actually gives them power over us as parents. As parents we need to be firm with our expectations and rules. Our children need to know that they are expected to follow the rules. Being firm is one of the ten characteristics that can be found in a happy family. Today’s generation more than any other has their desires and wishes met. I read a report recently that said that today’s children have … Continue reading

When You Want To Hit A Bully

I recently read a post to an article that Kori Rodley-Irons wrote titled “What if You Don’t Like Your Child’s Friend?” and I wanted to respond to it. Katie-Anne wrote “I’d like to see an article that advises us moms on what to do when you want to go slap one of your kid’s classmates because they were mean to your child and he’s cried himself to sleep for a week as a result! ROFL I can’t be the only mom to have these completely irrational thoughts am I?” No Katie-Anne you are not the only mom who has had … Continue reading

Helping Children Deal With News Trauma

Every time you turn on the news you are confronted with stories of car crashes, murders, bombings, or the latest natural catastrophe. As adults we can distance ourselves from the tragedies playing out on the television screen. But for children the news can be confusing and scary. The kidnapping of Elizabeth Smart, from her bedroom, received a lot of news coverage. My 6-year-old cousin saw some of the footage. As a result she was scared to sleep in her own room alone. For months she had to sleep in her older brother’s room, because she felt safer. Her parents did … Continue reading

Show Unconditional Love

Since Valentines Day is just weeks away I thought I’d take a moment and talk about love. Love is discussed all of the time. You hear about it on television and the radio, you read about it in books. There are so many different types of love. You can love your friends, your car, chocolate, and of course your family. The love I want to focus on is unconditional love for your spouse and children. In fact showing unconditional love is one of the ten things that happy families do. Unconditional love means that you love your children and spouse … Continue reading

Be Aware of Developmental Stages

One of the hardest things about being a parent is remembering that our children are just that: children. I know that I often find myself expecting more than I should. Then I have to remind myself he is only seven or she is just three and that they can’t be expected to do or remember what I was asking or expecting. For example every morning my son gets up when he hears my husband gets in the shower. He goes to the bathroom and lets the toilet lid slam shut with a loud “bang.” This of course often wakes up … Continue reading