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Dating Guidelines for Single Parents

Being a single parent can be a hard and demanding experience. Before you start dating again should take adequate time to recover from any anger or anguish of your previous relationship.

Your main concern is your child (or children). Make sure they have had adequate time to adjust to your new life and situation. Your job is to assist the kids feel safe and secure in the new family sphere of single parenthood.

That being said though, there might certainly come a time when you are prepared to start dating once more. If you are content with your current lifestyle, and your kids have adjusted, now is the occasion to go for it. Only you can choose when the time is correct to begin dating again.

Here is a list of guidelines to assist you get back into the dating scene:

Take your time. If you are prepared to date another time, and your kids are set to admit that you will be seeing new people, do it. Do not be inclined by friends, family, or anybody else who may not consent with your choice.

Be honest with prospective partners. You do not require filling him/her in on each little detail of your kids’ lives at this point; however you do require ensuring your date recognizes that you have children, and that they are your top priority.

Do not be in a hurry to parade every date in front of your kids. Until you discern the individual better, or until you comprehend a relationship is budding, introducing your new date to your kids is not essential. It is safer and wiser to meet your dates in a public place until you get to know him/her better. Young children can particularly be confused when meeting strangers.

If you feel the relationship has potential, now is the moment to start to introduce your new friend to your kids. A family gathering or group activity of some kind is an excellent way to introduce the new person into your environment. This will relieve some of the pressure from the new person and from your kids.

Do not shine above or sugarcoat your present state or environment. Your new partner ought to see your true life commitment to home and family from the very start of the relationship. If this relationship is destined to be, he/she will love your kids in addition to loving you.

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About Leah Karimi

I specialize in Family/Marriage Counseling, Employment and Career Counseling, Personal issues, and Workshops, with special focus on counseling services for families. My values include: -Committed to professionalism and competence. -Relate to others with integrity, sensitivity, caring, and genuineness. -Respect the dignity of all persons.