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Five Tips for the First Date

A first date is exciting, but it can also be a little nerve-wracking. This is especially true if you do not know much about the other person. These tips will help you feel more confident and secure.

Double Date

There is nothing wrong with going on a double date. Doing so serves a couple of purposes. Not only will you feel better having familiar faces along, but friends can also help keep the conversation going. More importantly, you’ll feel and be safer with other people along.

Take a Number

Instead of giving out your home number, take your prospective date’s number until you get to know him or her better. Call from another phone or block your number until you are comfortable with that person. This is especially true for women who live alone.

Meet on Location

It makes sense not to pick up your date or have him or her pick you up at home. You may later find that you don’t want this person to know where you live. Instead, meet him or her at the location where you intend to spend the evening. It’s also wise, because you’ll have your own transportation if you decide you’d like to leave.

Give a Shout Out

Let someone know where you will be. Call a friend or family member and inform that person of the date, the location, and the approximate time you plan to arrive and return. Make sure you are thoughtful and call your friend or relative back later to let him or her know that you made it home safely.

Go Public

Plan a first date for a public place. It isn’t generally advised to go to another person’s home or to any other out of the way place if you don’t know the person well. Go some place where there are plenty of other people around.