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Fun With Fake Snow

You might think we see plenty of snow here in Colorado. And we do. But last weekend we bought more! We took the family to one of those holiday food and craft fairs. At one booth we watched a demonstration of this fake snow. It’s a white polymer powder. You add water and it instantly expands to 100 times its size. It really looks like fluffy white snow, and it’s even cold. The snow is supposed to last for month, although we were warned we might need to spritz it with water in our dry climate.

They demonstrated the product on Christmas villages and fake trees. I think it would be really fun to use on Christmas morning. It would look and feel like Santa’s presents had just arrived from the North Pole. You could even sprinkle some on the floor to capture Santa’s footprints! I also think it would fun to include some in a package to areas that don’t get a lot of snow.

The product says it’s non-toxic and environmentally safe. I don’t know what “synthetic polymer” really is though. I would be very cautious about using it around small children and pets. I’m getting a little paranoid these days with all the product recalls. My boys are plenty old enough to play with it and not put it in their mouths. They wash their hands afterwards and before they eat. They are also very protective of their dog. Tonight when they got out our box of fake snow to play with, they were very careful not to spill any. This product is a winner with my kids. The main fun is watching the powder expand. If you hold the cup up in the air as it’s expanding, it really does like snow is falling from the cup.

My main problem is that now I have three large mixing bowls full of fake snow that is supposed to last for a month. And I’m going to need those bowls. Anyone need some snow?

Also See:

Keeping the Kids Entertained When it’s Snowy Outside with Snow Globes!

Making Christmas Traditions

Decorating Your Home For The Holidays-How Do You Stack Up?