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Genealogy Resources on YouTube

YouTube logo YouTube is a great place to find videos that explain how to use a particular kind of genealogy software, or how to find genealogy resources, or that teach about genealogy in general. All the videos on YouTube are viewable right from your computer, and you do not need to join YouTube in order to watch these videos.

YouTube is more than just a place to watch funny videos, or to check out the videos for popular songs. It is also a place where people share informative videos about how to do something, how to learn something, or information that is helpful to a specific academic subject. Yes, you can learn something from YouTube videos! It just takes a bit of searching to find videos that are relevant to what you want to learn about.

Here are a few of the best genealogy resources on YouTube:

Genealogy Gems
This is the YouTube channel for the Genealogy Gems podcast. They have a video about how to use the Ancestry Online Family Tree Software. You can also watch a series of videos that teach you how to blog your family history. Family history origins are discussed in another video. This channel has a lot to offer.

5 Minute Genealogy
This channel has excellent videos for someone who is new to genealogy. They talk you through how to do use google to help you find resources, in a step-by-step, easy to understand way.

Genealogy Playlist
This is a collection of genealogy related videos that have been gathered together from different YouTube channels. Each video in the list will automatically play when the previous video ends. You can watch them, all in a row, or skip directly to the video you are most interested in by selecting it from the list at the side of the page.

Genealogy – Family Tree Playlist
This is a collection of videos from all across YouTube that are about how to make a family tree. Again, you can watch them all in a row, or select the one that interests you the most. Videos include information about how to cite sources, how to create a research binder, and how to research your family tree.

Image by Joanna on Flickr