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Great LDS Christmas Gifts

If you have a tight budget or like to give homemade gifts, and you want to give something that is meaningful, you may consider giving a few of these gifts to families or children that you know. You can decide how extensive to make the projects, but they are easy to assemble, and can easily uplift the receiver.

1) The first gift that you can give is that of flannel board figures for scripture stories. These are simple and easy to assemble. You can do a search under Gospel Topics to pull up the scripture stories. It is easiest to put in scriptures and click to enlarge, because these will pull up the PDF format pages that include the flannel board pictures. There are over forty scripture stories with flannel board figures available on the site.

Once you find the scripture stories you can print them on to cardstock, and then put a flannel backing on them. Another option is to visit your local fabric store and purchase Pellon. This is actually an interfacing, but if you cut the Pellon into 8 ½” by 11” sheets you can run the sheets through your printer and actually print the pictures right onto the fabric. You will then need to outline the figures with a Sharpie or other permanent marker. You can then color the Pellon with crayon. The colors are very vibrant, they hold up well, and do not run when they become wet. You will then cut them out.

You can print out the accompanying story and assemble the stories in envelopes or in a three-ring binder. You can choose to give as many or as few as you like. The great thing about the gift is the versatility that it provides the families that you give it to. It is a great resource for family home evening, and they can be used as quiet activities during church as well. You may also consider making a flannel board to accompany the gift.

2) Another great gift is to assemble quiet books for Sacrament meeting. These can include quite a few different options. There are great activities that you can print off the church’s site as well. If you are assembling for older children you will want to look in the “Funstuf” section. These usually include crosswords, puzzles and fill-in-the-blank sheets. If you are looking for younger children look under “For Little Friends.” You can assemble the books according to gospel subject or theme, in a three-ring binder. You may want to include pens, pencils and crayons with the gift.

You may also consider assembling a book of pictures of the Savior for the children to look at during the Sacrament. You may want to purchase a Gospel Art Kit and use the pictures from that for the book. Parents will appreciate this thoughtful gift that will help their children focus on the meaning of the Sacrament.

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