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LDS Family Week in Review: May 27th – June 2nd

Gospel Doctrine: In The Marriage of the King’s Son, we discussed the parable of the wedding feast, in which the only attendees were those from the street. In Render to Caeser the Things Which Are Caesers, we talked about what the Lord wants from us – and it isn’t our money. In Faith to Move Mountains, we considered how the Lord might ask us to move mountains slowly and in His own time. And in The Cursing of the Fig Tree, we talked about what Christ’s blight on a simple plant could teach.

Monday, May 28th: In Dinner Discussion 2007 Week 19, we reviewed the different lessons our families learned in Primary, Young Men, Young Women, Elders Quorum, and Relief Society. And in Marriage Fights: In Laws, we continued our discussion on the top four causes of divorce, this time touching on good old Mom and Dad.

Tuesday, May 29th: In Marriage Fights: Kids, we discussed some problems that might arise between LDS parents. And in Primary Time: Sacrament Meeting Mayhem, we all chuckled as Miriam described the insanity that has become her Sacrament Meeting – and why she keeps going back for more.

Wednesday, May 30th: In Marriage Fights: Communication, we wrapped up the series by summarizing how good (or bad) communication relates to each of the top four causes of divorce in America.

Thursday, May 31st: In Top 10 Ways to Tell Your Marriage is Bellyup, we took a somewhat humorous look at how you can tell if you might need to address some of the problems covered over the last two weeks. And in Incorporate Gospel Teaching Into Your Family’s Daily Life, we learned some ways to keep our family focused on the gospel of Christ.

Friday, June 1st: In Five Tips for Speaking in Sacrament Meeting, we looked at some great ways to prepare talks for Church on Sunday.

Saturday, June 2nd: In General Conference: “Prophets–Pioneer and Modern Day”, we reviewed Elder Earl C. Tingey’s talk about prophets from two time periods. Then, in Family Home Evening: Modern Day Prophets, we examined how to turn that talk into a FHE lesson. Finally, in Home Teaching, we discussed the church’s home teaching program and how to encourage the men in our lives to follow up.

For previous weeks in review, click on the tab at right!