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Overdue Intro From A New SP Blogger

Yes, my introduction is long overdue. As one of the new Single Parenting bloggers, I’ve wanted to say hello to Jacky Gamble who’s another SP blogger, and to everyone here at Families.com, but I’ve been so intently focused on writing informative pieces that this kept slipping my mind. Here I am at last.

I’ve been a single parent for about 7 years now. After my second divorce I truly felt it was better to go it alone with my five daughters. It seemed apparent that I hadn’t chosen husbands wisely, so it was high time for me to get out on my own, become self-sufficient and more independent. I did just that.

Through the years I’ve discovered so many wonderful things and have accumulated much experience. One of the best lessons I’ve learned is that I didn’t have to stay in a negative marriage simply for the the sake of the kids or financial stability. If you aren’t happy and things just aren’t working, why stay where you’re miserable? It didn’t do my kids or myself any good to be around that constant negativity.

I wanted to stay home with my girls rather than work a 9-5 job and pay a babysitter, and I preferred to home school them. Since we would have to make it on one paycheck I spent a lot of time creating many work-at-home streams of income.

As time passes I have to adjust what I’m doing according to the economy and how various businesses fade out and others spring up. In the beginning I did quite well selling books through Amazon and items on eBay, but that all changed and I had to find something else to do.

Now I mainly do freelance writing through websites like Families.com, Suite101, Demand Studios, and other gigs I’ve found through Craigslist. If this market tapers off, which I hope it won’t, I’ll reinvent myself yet again. The main thing is, I know I can make it as a single parent and I’ve never been happier.

Best of all, each one of my girls has seen that their mother is a hard worker and will pursue her dreams, and that she won’t stay in a negative marriage despite the pitfalls and worries of single parenting. A few of my girls are in long-term relationships that will most likely lead to marriage at some point, and they’ve chosen wonderful men. Had I stayed in my unhappy marriage, I do believe they would have followed suit and found guys who would make them unhappy as well.

Over the years I hope to add a lot of informative blog posts and meet good people. Writing for Families.com allows me to learn new things each day, as well as sharing my personal experiences.