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Planning One Step at a Time

When you think about becoming prepared for an emergency, it can seem overwhelming. You have several scenarios that you need to plan for, supplies to buy and other ways to prepare yourself and your family. It may seem to cost too much to purchase all the supplies that you will need. You may become so overwhelmed that you may just want to quit and give up.

You do not need to feel overwhelmed as you begin to prepare for an emergency. You can break your preparedness plan into simple steps. If you take it a little bit at time, you will eventually be prepared for each and every emergency. Even if you are not completely prepared, you will be better off then if you had not even started.

The first thing you should get is water. Then you can make a list for a 72-hour kit. You can also begin gathering your important papers together. As you plan for each emergency that may come, you will make a list of things that you will want to get. It may be as simple as buying one item a week, or saving for a more expensive item over the next few months. You may sign up to take a first aid or CPR course or other important preparedness classes. You may purchase the insurance you need to cover your home or family.

As you take these small steps your confidence that you can face any situation will increase. You will be able to provide for your family in times of crisis. This can give you peace of mind, and allow you to make decisions that will be more sound, because they were made before the times of crisis. Once you are prepared it will become a simple matter of rotating your supplies so that they stay current.