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Start a Shopping and Errand Service

This is a really good idea if you live in a more rural area, or if you live near a retirement community that does not have convenient access to public transportation, shopping, and other amenities. I live “in the country” and we don’t have public transportation or even taxi service. Although there is a seniors’ bus that picks folks up for a trip to the local Wal-Mart every so often, there are people that are housebound or that don’t care to venture out.

I’ve recently noticed several ads in the classifieds for shopping and errand services in this area. It would be important to decide in advance what services you are willing to offer and how far you are willing to travel. You’ll also need to decide on prices, which are affordable for your clients but at the same time allow you to make a profit. You need to calculate not only mileage and a small percentage to cover your insurance and wear and tear on your vehicle, but also enough to make it worth the amount of time you’ll spend running errands.

The best way to keep your costs down is to work in only a specified region and to plan trips in a way that allows you to visit as many places as possible in one trip. Maybe plan to handle all of your customers that need groceries and prescription one or two days per week, perhaps those that live on one side of town on Monday, and those that live across town on Tuesday. Make one trip to the store, deliver all the groceries and medications to clients who live nearby each other, and then do the same thing the next day for folks who live in a different area.

It will probably take a little time to get organized, but soon, you should be able to carve out a good routine.