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Stop the Nail Biting

Biting nails is a bad habit that millions of people do. This habit usually starts when children are young and then they take it with them into adult life. Not only is nail biting unsightly, it leads to health problems that can be spread by bad germs and parasites such as Giardia. The reason that children usually start biting their nails is due to being insecure. Things such as weaning a child too early, being away from the parents for long periods of time, loud arguing in the home, these are all things that can cause your child to feel insecure.

The actual act of nail biting shows that your child is nervous. What can you do to stop nail biting at a young age before it becomes a lifelong habit? If nail biting is extreme and your child displays overly agitated or angry bouts of behavior, you should consult your physician. There are some cases when a psychological problem is the root cause.

When you notice your child starting to bite his or her nails, find something they like to play with. You might even have your child pick out a special toy or book that is used only as a distraction when they start to bite their nails. Breaking the focus on the biting is a great option.

Take note of what is going on around your child when they put their hands in their mouth. Is it right before bedtime when they are tired? Perhaps it is after they have watched an extremely animated TV show or video. Just look at what is going on around your child and one by one, start changing these things and see if they make a difference.

You can try several different brands of products, which are painted on your child’s nails just like nail polish. This medication has a horrible, bitter taste that once tasted your child will quickly get their hands out of their mouth. However, for the serious nail biter, believe me they will find a way around this. While this method does work, it usually works well but it is not for all children.

Sometimes just sitting down with your child and explaining what nail biting does as far as germs and parasites will do the trick. Usually, they have no idea that the hidden dirt under their nails can actually be harmful and make them sick. You might even find pictures of some of these germs and parasites in your local library and show them to your child. Often, visual effects are great motivators.

Nagging your child is not the way to get them to stop. Because nail biting becomes a habit very quickly, it’s a reaction produced by the brain. Nagging or trying to embarrass your child will produce no results. Keep your child’s nails short in length. Just like adults, children get hangnails or broken nails that bother them. By keeping their nails short and neat, they will be dissuaded to put their hands in their mouth.

Going back to rewards, each time you notice your child trying to keep their hands away from their mouth, offer verbal praise. For each day that you know, your child has done an outstanding job, start a bonus system. Each day they show either they are trying or succeeding in not biting their nails, they get a star. Use the running total system so once your child has received 10 stars they get a reward. These rewards do not have to be expensive in any way. A new $2.00 book or hamburger and coke at their favorite burger joint, or perhaps a trip to the zoo. Every reward will reinforce their efforts, making them more conscious of breaking the habit.

This entry was posted in Health Concerns (See Also Health Blog) by Renee Dietz. Bookmark the permalink.

About Renee Dietz

I have been a successful, published writer for the past 26 years, offering a writing style that is informative, creative, and reader-friendly. During that time, I have been blessed with clients from around the world! Over the years, more than 160 ebooks and well over 18,000 articles have been added to my credit. Writing is my passion, something I take to heart.