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Trials and Faith: The Storm

One of my favorite Bible stories is the one about Peter in the storm. I can relate so much to this story. Here’s an overview of what happens in Matthew 14:22-33:

Jesus’ disciples were in a boat at night during a storm in the midst of the sea. While straining to row, Jesus appeared to them walking on the water. The men were frightened at first wondering if they were looking at a ghost. But Jesus told them, “Be of good cheer! It is I; do not be afraid.” Peter tested the Lord by suggesting, if it is really Him, to command him to come out to Him on the water. Jesus said, “Come.” Peter got out and proceeded to walk on the water toward Him. When he realized how bad the winds were, he began to fear and started to sink into the water. He cried out to Jesus, “Lord, save me!” and the Bible tells us that “immediately” Jesus reached out to him and said, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” Once they were in the boat, Jesus calmed the storm and the men worshiped Him.

What is so neat about this story is the correlation it has with our own lives. We all go through storms. When we are being pounded by a storm’s strong winds and feel we’re losing control, Jesus is there. During those times we ought to take a lesson from Peter and step out of our boat in faith toward Christ. I just imagine Peter’s eyes being focused on Christ for that brief moment he was walking on the water. The storm was still going, but Peter put his focus on Christ. As a result, Jesus made way for a miraculous event.

Even when our eyes are on Christ, as the storms of our life keep making their presence known, we often do what Peter did. We allow fear of the situation to distract us from God’s abilities. Our faith weakens, and spiritually we sink. But God is so merciful! As we cry out to Him for help, we need to know that His hand is there just like it was for Peter. After Peter took Jesus’ hand, Jesus calmed the storm.

Lessons we can learn from Peter in our own storms:

  • Know that Christ is there to help
  • Step out in faith toward Him
  • Stay focused on Him
  • If you do struggle, Call out to Him
  • Take His hand
  • Know that Jesus can perform miracles in situations that seem impossible

Please check the following blogs within this series (Please note: Some blogs won’t be available for viewing until they’ve been formally released):

Trials and Faith: Intro

Trials and Faith: Why is This Happening?

Trial and Faith: Trials by Fire

Trials and Faith: Persecution

Trials and Faith: The First Christian Martyr

Trials and Faith: Jesus Freaks

Trials and Faith: Resisting Temptation to Sin