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What are the Qualities Needed for a Single Parent?

I thought it might be fun to talk about some of those personal qualities that come in handy for the average single parent. Of course, we are all different and we all bring different skills and talents to the table. Also, many of the qualities that make for a great single parent are also helpful in two-parent parenting too. Still, it could be fun to talk about those qualities and skills that we have found to be beneficial in our roles as single parents…

I know that in my stint as a single parent I have developed sides of me that might not have come out if I had not had this opportunity. I have had to be far more organized and efficient as a single parent than any other challenge in my life demanded of me. I have also had to learn how to be confident and comfortable with being the only bread-winner, authority, and go-to person in my family—a willingness to step into authority has definitely been a must.

Flexibility and resiliency are key, I think. Of all the single parents I know, the happiest and most “successful” are those who can roll with life’s inevitable punches and bounce back when life throws them a curveball. Many of us learn how to be more resilient because of our situation as single parents but I notice that those who have a good dose of this do better as single parents.

What do you think the necessary qualities are for being a successful single parent? Do you find that you have developed these qualities because of the challenges of running your household and guiding your family or were they qualities you already had before you became a single parent? What qualities do you WISH you had that you think would make life as a single parent go better?

See Also: Exposing Our Kids to Other Single Parent Families

Characteristics of a Good Mother