43 Catholic Groups Sue Over Birth Control Coverage

There has been an ongoing battle about a federal requirement that states that all health insurance plans must include coverage for birth control. Today, 43 Catholic groups have filed around a dozen lawsuits challenging this law. The Catholic groups feel that requiring coverage of birth control violates their religious freedom. To make a long story short, it comes down two main concepts. The Catholic groups believe that being required to cover birth control in their employer sponsored health plans, and their student health plans, violates their religious freedom. They feel that their religious belief should trump federal law. They aren’t … Continue reading

Several Catholic Institutions Do Cover Birth Control

The National Women’s Law Center has put together a sampling list of Catholic – affiliated institutions that provide coverage for contraception in their employer sponsored health insurance plans. Perhaps the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ views about birth control coverage doesn’t match with what all Catholics believe. There has been a lot of controversy regarding the requirement that employers cover birth control in their employer sponsored health insurance plans. Churches, mosques, and synagogues are exempt from that rule. Recently, religiously affiliated businesses (such as Christian or Catholic universities and hospitals), also became exempt from that rule. Instead, the insurance … Continue reading

Catholic Network Sues Federal Government Over Birth Control Coverage

A Roman Catholic television network has filed a lawsuit against the federal government. The lawsuit is in response to the requirement that religious oriented hospitals and universities must include coverage for birth control in their employer sponsored health insurance plans. The Catholic Church is opposed to most methods of birth control. EWTN Global Catholic Network is a television network that is based in the United States. It was launched in 1981. The letters stand for “Eternal Word Television Network”. Since its launch, ETWN Global Catholic Network has become the largest religious media network in the world. It transmits programing 24 … Continue reading

Anne Rice Changes Her Mind about Christianity…Sort Of

Remember when vampire queen Anne Rice announced she was a Christian? She had written the successful novels “Interview with the Vampire,” “The Vampire Lestat,” and “The Queen of the Damned.” Under the pseudonym of A.N. Roquelaure, she wrote three erotic novels. But, in 2004, Rice said in a Newsweek article that she would start writing “only for the Lord.” Some of her fans were put out a bit by this news, but she was true to her word. In 2005, Rice wrote “Christ the Lord: Out of Egypt” about the early years of Jesus Christ. She followed that up with … Continue reading

Another Court Grants Temporary Injunction

A United States District Court has granted a temporary emergency motion to the business owned by Tom Monaghan. He is the former owner of Domino’s Pizza. The injunction is not for the pizza chain, but is for his office park. This halts his requirement to adhere to the birth control mandate until his case makes it through all the courts. In 2012, Tom Monaghan, (former owner of Domino’s Pizza), sued the federal government over the birth control mandate. According to the Christian Science Monitor Tom Monaghan is Catholic, and feels that contraception isn’t health care but a “gravely immoral” practice. … Continue reading

Domino’s Pizza Founder Sues Over Birth Control Mandate

The founder of Domino’s Pizza, Tom Monaghan, is suing the federal government over the portion of the Affordable Care Act that requires companies to include coverage for birth control in employer sponsored health insurance plans. A YouGov Brand Index poll notes that consumer’s perception drops when business owners complain about health insurance coverage requirements for workers. Here’s the basic facts of the situation. On August 1, 2011, the Department of Health and Human Services added several women’s preventative services into the previously described list of preventative care. All health plans purchased after that date must include preventative care to consumers … Continue reading

Protest in Chicago Over Birth Control Mandate

The battle over birth control coverage continues. Over 500 people attended a protest in Chicago about the federal requirement that employer sponsored health plans must cover birth control. Unsurprisingly, the majority of the crowd of protesters were Catholic. There are two sides to this ongoing battle. On one side, is the federal government, who want women to be able to have access to birth control. The government recognizes that birth control is an important part of preventative care for women. As such, the requirement says that all employer sponsored health insurance plans must include coverage for contraception, without cost to … Continue reading

Lawsuits Over Birth Control Coverage Have No Merit

Recently, 43 Catholic organizations filed about a dozen lawsuits against the federal government. The groups feel that the federal requirement that all health insurance plans must cover birth control violates their religious freedom. This argument has no legal merit. There has been an ongoing battle regarding birth control. The federal government defines birth control as part of women’s preventative care. All preventative care must be covered by a health insurance plan without cost to the policyholder. Not long after this requirement was made, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops led several Catholic organizations in a series of complaints about … Continue reading

It’s Walpurgis Night – So What’s That?

Six months ago I profiled Chernabog in my Halloween list of the most frightening Disney moments. Chernabog is a Slavic deity; not much is known about him, but as Christian traditions took over the pagan ones in Europe he was seen as a black god, even sometimes associated with or as the devil. The Night on Bald Mountain sequence from “Fantasia,” which contains Chernabog, is according to the conductor who introduces the segment set on Walpurgis Night. I’d never heard of Walpurgis Night, or at least it never registered as I watched “Fantasia,” so I thought I would research it. … Continue reading

Oklahoma Judge Rules School Vouchers are Unconstitutional

In Oklahoma, there has been an ongoing battle over school vouchers. It is specifically over the Lindsey Nichole Henry Scholarships for Students with Disabilities Act. The public schools aren’t complying with it. A series of lawsuits followed. Now, a judge has ruled that the special needs scholarships law is unconstitutional. There isn’t one, federal, rule that defines precisely how each state is required to deal with issues relating to school vouchers for students who have special needs. Therefore, each state must figure that out for itself. Sometimes, things work well. Other times, things result in a series of lawsuits. In … Continue reading