Staying Home Sick

What started off in my daughter as a slight sniffly nose quickly turned into a full-fledged flu. I initially blamed the clear snot on teething, but it became obvious that it was more than that. The stream got thicker, her eyes became watery, her breathing rattled, and she was extremely cranky. Each time she woke up from a nap, she spit up a huge amount of what looked like snot. Deciding it probably wasn’t good for her to have it draining down her throat all night, I decided to sleep with her on the recliner in our living room. It … Continue reading

Time to Clean Out the Medicine Cabinet

It seems as though most of the people I know are dropping like flies to the flu or other respiratory illness right now. Whether it is the dreaded swine flu or the usual seasonal flu, the fact that everyone around us seems to be affected right now makes the whole thing hit home. I know, despite trying to deny it to myself, that at some point my own family may be affected. As much as I would like to sometimes place them in a bubble, there are those things called school and work, not to mention social activities. With this … Continue reading

Cold Relief Away From Home

Are you at home, close to your medicine cabinet every time a sore throat strikes? I’m not. I can remember coming down with a nasty upper respiratory infection while I was on a long car ride. With every mile, my throat hurt worse and worse until I was just about ready to cry. I didn’t even have a cough drop in my purse, just miles of misery. One of the best things you can do to relieve a sore throat is to gargle with warm salt water. But what can you do if you’re away from home or stuck at … Continue reading

Top 10 Ways To Child-Proof Your Home

If you are a parent you know that all it takes is one incident (be it a fall, scratch, bump or bruise) involving your child before you go into overdrive trying to childproof your home. Recently, my 2-year-old discovered how “cool” it was to collect the various battery powered travel clocks we have around our home and hurl them at the picture window. Lovely. The glass breaking wasn’t my main concern (luckily nothing shattered); rather it was the means by which she devised to reach the clocks that had me frantically rearranging furniture following the incident. It’s a fact–potential dangers … Continue reading

What’s In Your Medicine Cabinet?

When was the last time you cleaned out your medicine cabinet? Do you even know what’s in there? I hadn’t done an inventory of ours since I stuck some bandages in there the day we moved into our current home. That was mistake number one. Mistake number two occurred about two weeks ago when my husband severely injured his arm. I panicked and scrambled like a mad woman looking for something, anything, to treat his wound. The problem is my 2-year-old daughter loves to play “doctor” and she uses all my band-aids on her stuffed “patients,” so when it was … Continue reading

Preventing Poisoning

One thing I’ve gotten kind of lazy about now that Hailey is no longer a toddler, is putting things safely out of reach. I was really good about it when she was small but this weekend when I had people over for a barbeque I found out how unsafe my home is for little ones. First of all, none of the cabinets in my house have child locks on them. There are cleaning products under the kitchen sink, hair products under the bathroom sink and a bin in the linen closet with medicines in it. It seems that every day … Continue reading

Cleaning Bathroom Extras

There are so many things to keep clean in your home. Every room you walk into needs at the very least a dust and vacuum, but most likely something more is needed, at least occasionally. The bathroom is the biggest culprit of many different things to clean. When I think of cleaning the bathroom I’m thinking tub, sink, toilet, and wash the floor, the basics. There are so many other things in the bathroom that need to be cleaned. Let’s start with toothbrushes. Did you know that on the counter next to the sink is the worst place you can … Continue reading

Creating an Annual Chore List

We are wrapping up our chore lists with today’s final one, the annual chore list. Hopefully by now you have discovered that keeping your home in order is not as difficult as you thought, once you organize everything. Your housekeeping binder will be helpful for other things but I will touch on that in a bit. Let’s first consider some of the chores that can be done on an annual basis. Go through your house and look for minor repairs that should be done. This includes tightening screws on cabinets, drawers, doors and furniture. It could also include caulking around … Continue reading

Your Holiday Notebook: Part Three

There are still several sections to fill in your holiday organizer/notebook and many miles to go before you sleep. Let’s get this show on the road so that you will finally be prepared for the onslaught of the holiday season. It’s not that that the end result will be much different than last year, but at least this year you will be able to find some of your favorite things and hopefully your mind will be among them. Cleaning Schedules If you are planning company, it really is time to dust that bookshelf and remove whatever it is that lives … Continue reading

Organizing “Problem Areas”

Last night, I dreamt of owning a bulldozer. I had contemplated using one on my daughter’s playroom the other day, so I’m sure it was just an offshoot of my subconscious. It may sound ridiculous, but it was the only tool I could think of that would accommodate the task of singularly scooping up all of the toys that lay strewn on the floor. The room looked like a toy-eating dragon regurgitated his five-course meal on the floor. Just looking at the mess made me want to curl up on the floor and fall asleep (I very well would have, … Continue reading