Going Green to Work

I am very lucky in that I mostly work from home. I know that saves our family a lot of money on gas, and of course, the environment with my van staying put in the driveway. I still do enough driving getting my kids to school and to activities, but I also try to save on gas when shopping at stores. I try to pick stores that are closer to me. For those who drive to work there are some ways that you can go green. I know that most of us can’t afford to go out and buy a … Continue reading

How to Afford a Healthy Diet

Dieting right isn’t easy when you’re on a tight budget. Unless you are a full time gardener and have your own greenhouse, fresh fruits and vegetables cost money and shopping for them takes time. Let’s not forget the difference in prices between healthy whole grain breads and pastas and those made from refined white flour. If you’ve done any comparison shopping lately, you know that healthy doesn’t come cheap. According to the Center for Disease Control, two-thirds of Americans are either overweight or obese. Consider also that American schools are seeing a growing trend in obese students and you’ll soon … Continue reading

Genetic Mutation Seems to Heal Rare Form of Skin Cancer

Usually, when an article that you find online uses both the word “cancer” and the word “genetic” in the title, what follows is information about another gene that appears to increase the risk that people who have that particular genetic mutation. However, this time the news is a lot more positive than what you may be expecting. Scientists have found a genetic fault that seems to cause a rare form of skin cancer to spontaneously heal itself. It is always good to know your genetic legacy. If many people in your family tree have had a certain kind of cancer, … Continue reading

Is Traveling Making You Fat?

If your New Year’s resolution is to lose weight in 2010, then you might want to stay away from airport restaurants. A new survey shows that most travelers are forced to ditch their healthy eating habits when on the road. Or more specifically, when traveling through the nation’s airports. When hunger strikes at the airport, you are typically at the mercy of fast food restaurants. Your food choices are limited to processed “convenience” items loaded with sodium, fat and empty calories. Sure, you could pack your own healthier options, like fresh fruit and a sandwich, but what parent is going … Continue reading

Excuses For Not Using Coupons

You’ve heard the excuses to keep spending more money than you need to. You know which excuses I’m talking about. The “I don’t have time to clip coupons” excuse. (It might interfere with watching tv). Then there’s the “coupons are no good anyway, the food is all processed and unhealthy” excuse. Apparently those folks have never heard of Mambo Sprouts, or the great deals you can get in store on meat, produce and dairy when you shop carefully. There’s the “you can’t really save money because those products are always more expensive” excuse. The “I only see coupons for things … Continue reading

Flu Prevention Tips

Flu season is here again. Some women choose to have a flu vaccine, but others for many reasons, including allergies, religious beliefs or personal preference, may have chosen not to get the shot. The best thing you can do is take steps to prevent the flu. The tips in this blog are good for other winter bugs too. Eat a healthy diet to keep your immune system strong to fight off viruses. Include foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus and kiwi fruits. Foods rich in vitamins D and E, such as leafy green vegetables and almonds are good … Continue reading

Feeling Affluent

Most people who chose a frugal lifestyle do so initially out of necessity. Perhaps they decide to have one parent stay home and are reduced to one income, sometimes circumstances require them to cut back, and sometimes they just want to lead a simpler life with less stress and less formal work. Whatever the reason, frugal living can make you always concerned with saving money. In the beginning, especially, you are constantly calculating costs and values. Later, it gets a little more automatic. You know, for example, how to get the best price on bread, and you don’t even agonize … Continue reading

Frugal Living Week in Review: April 28th Through May 4th

With food and gas prices being so expensive, even the non frugal are becoming frugal. People are having a rude shock when they realize that their dollars aren’t going as far as they should. This is leading a huge interest in frugality and saving money. Living frugally is becoming a widespread necessity. That is why I hope that you can use and enjoy all of the great articles here in the Frugal Living Blog. Here are just the ones from last week, in a handy review. April 28th Frugal Living Week in Review: April 21st Through April 27th This week … Continue reading

Tea Can Help You Focus

When you hit that afternoon slump, don’t head for the coffeemaker. Try a cup of tea, instead! Recent research is pointing to black, green, and oolong tea as a great way to sharpen your focus. Part of that mental boost comes from the caffeine in the tea — the same caffeine you could get from a cup of coffee or an ice cold soda. The other part of the mental boost is something you can only get from a cup of tea — an amino acid called theanine. When paired with caffeine, theanine can boost neural activity, helping you concentrate. … Continue reading

Foods That Are Good For Your Teeth

The food you eat helps build a strong, healthy body — that includes your teeth! Adding a few simple things to your diet can help your choppers stay strong and healthy. Watch when you eat your carbs. Carbohydrates break down into sugars, which can be converted to plaque in the mouth. Plaque is the primary cause of gum disease and cavities! If you snack on carbs like chips, cookies, and crackers, foods can get caught between teeth and under the gum line, making it easy for bacteria to get to work. If you eat your carbs at mealtimes, you’ll be … Continue reading