Trading Coupons and Refund Forms

OK, so you clip and clip and clip. And you register for websites such as Everyday,, or and soon you are receiving coupons in the mail. You have a lot of coupons for diapers – but you don’t have a baby. You have dog food but no cat food. Or cat food but no dog food. And you could use a lot of coupons for your special shampoo or breakfast cereal. Now you have to get involved with trading coupons. On, you can make the list of coupons you have and post it here. Next, … Continue reading

What is a have list and how do I make one?

A Have List (or havelist) is a phrase used in the coupon trading world to describe a list of coupons you have and would like to trade. The benefit of this is so that other potential traders can view your list of coupons to see if there is anything they can trade for. Depending on how often you plan on trading, and how much time you have to invest in making such a list, it may or may not be worth it for you to create one. It can take some time to keep your have list up to date. … Continue reading

Coupon Dictionary (Part 1)

Are you wondering what everyone is talking about? What are all those strange words everyone is referring to? I thought that if we were going to talk coupons, then it would be really helpful if I made a Coupon Dictionary. This will help you decipher the Coupon Language. I have also included any abbreviations to the words, in parenthesis. Binder ~ A notebook where coupons are organized. Blinkies ~ Blinkie machines are little red boxes that spit out coupons. You can find them attached to the store shelves, with a blinking light, hence the name Blinkie. They are put out … Continue reading