Before You Sue Your Insurance Company…

Everyone has been in the situation where your insurance company does something that causes you a great deal of aggravation. They denied a claim that you strongly believe they should have covered. They made a big mistake in your billing statement. Are you angry enough to file a lawsuit against your insurance company? Recently, the outcome of an insurance related lawsuit in California resulted in stipulations that will make it much easier for California consumers to sue their insurance companies. This doesn’t mean that filing a lawsuit against your insurer is the absolute best decision that you could potentially make, … Continue reading

It is NOT Always the Child’s Fault

I am all for personal responsibility and definitely for children learning how their own behavior choices play out in natural consequences. After all, we do have to prepare our children to live in the real world with real people and real institutions. But, I wrote the yesterday about how our children’s behavior can be different depending on where they are and what they are dealing with and sometimes, there are other elements at play that the child just cannot control. Yes, I believe that our children do need to learn how to cope and deal with all sorts of situations … Continue reading

Saving Money On The Road

One of the best gifts I received upon graduating from college was a membership to AAA. Sure the AAA membership and a new car would have been even more reason to celebrate… But, seriously, I consider the auto club membership one of the smartest travel investments a person can make. And these days who isn’t looking for a way to save money while on the road? From record high gas prices to sky-high airfare—family travel is not exactly cheap. However, there are a few ways you can make it from point A to point B without breaking the bank. The … Continue reading