Frugal and Free Homeschooling {part 3}

In part 1, I discussed how I have felt the crushing burden of finances on my homeschool.  In part 2, you were given a few simple assignments to get started on your way to frugal and free homeschooling.  To review, you were asked to revisit the reasons you homeschooled.  That will revive your heart and put wheels to your feet on finding a solution.  Then, you were to check the inventory you currently have for school.  Perhaps there are unfinished assignments or textbooks or even reviews you can use.  Finally, you were to write down all you need for a … Continue reading

Online Resources for Homeschoolers

The internet is a valuable tool for today’s homeschoolers. A child can visit China, research the Civil War, and get tutored in math, without ever leaving her computer chair. The internet has opened up the world for the homeschooling family offering everything from support to online curricula. With so much at your fingertips, it is easy to get overwhelmed and spend more time than intended pounding the keyboard. So, here is a short list of some of my favorite places online as a homeschooling mom. I hope you find these sites beneficial in your journey as well. Please share any … Continue reading

Homeschool Curriculum Review:

I was introduced to a new online education program called simply Educator. This website is geared toward higher level high school instruction, more specifically, AP level courses. Through the use of video instruction by some of the brightest minds in the country, a student is able to participate in an online lecture course with a teacher that would no be available to them on a local level. This is a subscription based program that brings unlimited access to the entire database of courses, teachers, and instructional materials. Whether you student needs to learn Chemistry from beginning to end, or just … Continue reading

An Affordable Homeschool Math Curriculum: Life of Fred

I will start by saying that I haven’t used this new math curriculum… yet. I am certainly intrigued. First of all, math curriculum is very expensive. Saxon math, a very popular homeschool math curriculum is probably the cheapest at $40-$75.00. New CD based math is sure to cost more. Teaching Textbooks another popular and newer math curriculum for homeshoolers cost approximately $200.00 per year for the ginormous workbook and CD set. Math U see, another popular math set costs approximately $50.00 for lower grades, but when you get into upper grades, the price doubles. When it comes to choosing a … Continue reading

New Homeschool Curriculum for Writing: Time4Writing

It is no secret that Time4Learning has been one of my favorite online curriculums for elementary school students. I liked it because it is interactive and teaches language arts, math, science, and social studies to pre-kindergarten through middle school children. The program fully prepared my kids to be able to hit the ground running when they transitioned into taking local co-op type classes. It also made the learning process fun. Time4Learning now had a new sister online curriculum called Time4Writing which focuses of teaching students writing skills. Time4writing was created in response to parental requests for writing tutorials. There are … Continue reading

Why are Some Curriculum So Expensive?

I had a rough start this year, basically because I spent so much money for curriculums. I realize I could have taken a cheaper route by using internet based free resources, but this would have taken more time and energy than I had available. My options were to take teaching and piecing together a curriculum on my own, or paying through the nose. This was my most expensive year to date, mostly because my son is high school level now and I needed a good self-learning curriculum Spanish and for Geometry. The other reason the year was so expensive is … Continue reading

Beginning Homeschooling Again

Many people are deciding to homeschool this year after taking a hiatus and having homeschooling in the past and then putting their kids in school. They may have homeschooled two years ago. They may have homeschooled six years ago. Regardless of past experience, they may have questions as to where to start. This uncertainty is for a good reason. Homeschooling is growing at such and incredible rate that a great many things change from year to year. Each year there are new curriculums, there are new approaches, and there is new technology that a homeschooler can use, so starting again … Continue reading

When to Purchase More Expensive Curriculum

It is time to purchase homeschooling curriculum for the 2008-2009 school year. Homeschoolers everywhere are trying to decide if they are going to continue with the same curriculum maker, if they are going to try something new, and how much they are going to pay. These can be difficult decisions. The cost of homeschooling can vary greatly. Some people homeschool with very little money, others spend a great deal. While my family tends to be on the higher end, I know families that spend next to nothing to homeschool their kids. I also know people whose expenditures fall in between. … Continue reading

My Favorite Discount Online Homeschool Store

As a one income family with four kids, I’m sure you can do the math and figure I look for deals. As much as I love a good deal, I refuse to cut back on the quality of education I provide for my children. I am willing to cut back on bills and expenses as much as possible, however, cutting back on my kids’ education never occurred to me. My goal is to provide the best education possible. While, I understand that my budget will determine some of what I buy it should not rule what I buy. Therefore, I … Continue reading

Homeschool Buyers Co-op saves money on homeschool materials

I tell people all the time to never get too comfortable that they know everything they need to know about homeschooling, and to never stop looking for new resources because new homeschooling websites and curriculum are started every day. In the last couples of weeks alone, I have discovered Life of Fred, and the Homeschool Buyers Co-op. The homeschool buyers co-op is an organization organized to pool the buying power of homeschoolers in an effort to allow us the same curriculum prices schools enjoy. Free membership (with a promise to not sell information), affords deep discounts on many popular and … Continue reading