What to Do on Your Mental Health Day

I recently blogged about the importance of taking a mental health day, something home-based professionals really need every-so-often. Many of us who work from home tend to put in more hours than maybe we should. But now we need to consider what to do on our mental health day. It would be easy to slide right back into the old trap of, “I will just quick do this” or “I only have one thing to do.” Suddenly we are working. A mental health day means NO WORK…none…nada…not even a “little bit.” Remember that the whole point of a mental health … Continue reading

Re-Investing In Your Marriage – Planning Date Nights

Setting up a date night takes some forethought and planning whether your kids are eight weeks, eight months or eight years old. Childcare is something you should always plan ahead. For the very young children, this may just mean getting the kids settled down for the night and enjoying some quality time together snuggling on the sofa. If you are one of those couples that always seems to have something come up and interrupt the plans you’ve made, it may just be that you need to designate one night a week that is just for the two of you – … Continue reading

Can Date Night Be Revived?

I’m going on a date with my husband tonight! We don’t get too many of those anymore, so I am really looking forward to it. After talking with a lot of my friends, I have come to the conclusion that for most couples, date night doesn’t just get put on the back burner after a new baby arrives, sometimes it gets taken off the stove altogether. I can count on one hand the number of dates we have gone on in the last year and a half. If you discount all the weddings and group things we have gone to, … Continue reading

The End of the Day Blues

If you’re a parent who works outside the home, how do you deal with the end of the day with a preschooler? The end of the day is a rough sort of time, especially if your preschooler no longer naps. Perhaps you pick up your preschooler from relatives or from a child care center. Maybe your preschooler is at home with a nanny. You arrive home. The house is in various stages of disarray. Dinner needs to get on the table, likely half an hour before the present time. Your child is whining and needs you to undo her shoes, … Continue reading

Stay Connected Through the Holidays

The holidays are such a busy time that you may find that you are putting your marital relationship on the back burner. This is a time of stress and worry as well. It is important that you work together to get everything done. In order for this to happen you need to take time to nourish your relationship. Here are five tips to help you through the holidays. 1) Make sure that you have a planning meeting every week through the holidays. This will help you to coordinate your family’s activities and to divide responsibilities. You may not have time … Continue reading

Romantic Holidays

When we plan our vacations every year, does it occur to you plan a romantic holiday? If you have not, you might want to consider taking advantage of a chance to get away with just you and your spouse. The great thing about a romantic holiday is that it gives a couple times that are just for them. They can take the time for long walks, long talks, long hours spent just being together and they can do it often free from interruption, responsibility and obligations to family, work and other commitments. Romantic holidays are an ideal way to spend … Continue reading