Making Health Resolutions

It is that time of year again. The time when resolutions are made in regards to health and well being. Most of these resolutions center on weight loss. Any diet started in 2011 was abandoned by the beginning of the holiday season. It takes will power of steel to last through Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s, without breaking your diet. The season is filled with temptations and we are willingly low on willpower. Instead of our diets waiting until Monday they now are on hold until the New Year. Well, the New Year is here and before it becomes the … Continue reading

New Year’s Resolutions – About Your Insurance Policies

Christmas is over, and it is time to start thinking about what your insurance needs will be in the new year, 2011. Think of it as making a New Year’s Resolution about your insurance policies. While it’s always good to re-evaluate your insurance policies from time to time, it is especially important to do it this year. There are going to be many changes to insurance that will take effect as soon as 2011 begins. This is the time of year when people start thinking about the improvements they want to make in their lives. It is not unusual for … Continue reading

Breastfeeding and Cold Medications

You have a miserable cold. You can’t breathe, you can’t sleep and frankly, sitting in the steamy bathroom isn’t cutting it as your only means of decongesting. You’ve tried other natural remedies to no avail. If your breastfeeding, what are your options? Cold Medications and Breastfeeding Cold medications are generally made with one of two active ingredients: either pseudoephedrine or phenylephrine. Both are considered moderately safe while breastfeeding but pseudoephedrine can cause a decrease in supply in some women. Does that mean that you should stay away from it all together? Not necessarily. Phenylephrine Phenylephrine has not been reviewed by … Continue reading

Three Common Breastfeeding Myths Explained

Part of getting yourself ready for the day when you welcome your new baby into the world involves thinking about how you plan to feed your baby. As is the case with many of the decisions that you will make regarding your baby, the best way to prepare yourself is with information. The more you know about infant feeding and nutrition in advance, the better prepared you will be to navigate the ins and outs of feeding your baby once he or she is born. One helpful type of information to have at the ready if you plan to breastfeed … Continue reading

New Device May Give Epi-Pen Some Competition

Epi-Pen is a device that is used when a child or adult experiences anaphylaxis after encountering something that he or she is extremely allergic to. It is about the size of a large magic marker. Two brothers, who have food allergies, have created a device that could be competition for the makers of the Epi-Pen. An Epi-Pen is a device that can be used to auto-inject a specific amount of epinephrine into a person who is having a severe allergic reaction to something, and who is experiencing anaphylaxis as a result. Left untreated, a person could die from anaphylaxis in … Continue reading

Treating Urinary Tract Infections in Children

Urinary tract infections are miserable.  As someone who suffers from urinary tract infections and have allergies to antibiotics, I know the struggle and the solutions.  However, it is always very important that you seek medical attention if you suspect your child has an infection.  Follow your doctor’s advice and do not use treatments mentioned in lieu of prescribed medication. Due to my allergies to antibiotics, I have learned to use natural remedies on the onset of an infection. The moment I feel a twinge of a problem I begin treatment.  It is important to catch it before a full blown … Continue reading

Saving Money on Frontline

This week it was time to buy more Frontline medication. I like to buy in bulk, as long as I can be assured that the meds won’t expire before the year is out. I selected 12-month packs of feline and canine Frontline and put them in my virtual shopping cart, and then was amazed at the price. $300? That seems like way more than I’ve ever paid for it before. When my husband came home, I asked him about it. Did he remember their flea/tick medicine costing this much, because I didn’t. He said no, although it was maybe $200 … Continue reading

Interactive Metronome Could Help Symptoms of ADHD

Typically, the standard treatment for ADHD involves medication. Not all parents are comfortable with the idea of giving their child a daily dose of drugs. Another helpful option could be the use of something called an Interactive Metronome. ADHD is frequently treated with the use of medication. There are a couple of different types of medicines that doctors may prescribe for treating the symptoms of ADHD. It can take some “trial and error” to discover exactly which ADHD medication, and which dosage, works the best for a particular child. Once that is discovered, it is generally best to follow the … Continue reading

Home Business Idea: Etiquette and Life Coach

What is a life coach? A life coach is a person who basically helps a person identify challenges and form solutions to get his life on the track he intends. A life coach is not a therapist by education or function. The relationship between a life coach and client is more balanced and more mentoring as opposed to healing and of course there is no administering of medication. Areas life coaches address: Relationships and Intimacy Stress Management and Balance Spirituality and Personal Growth Entrepreneurial and Small Business Development Career Planning and Development Motivation and Time Management Creativity for Artists, Writers, … Continue reading

Frugal and Natural Home Remedies

I love natural home remedies for everything from coming down with a cold to stomach cramps. These natural remedies can be pretty inexpensive, too. The next time you need to heal, grab the solution right from your own pantry. Chances are that you already have everything that you need on hand. Starting a Cold Who doesn’t dread that classic tickle in your throat, the swollen feeling that tells you that you are about to come down with a cold? To sooth inflamed tissues, loosen mucus before it takes hold and flush out irritants or bacteria that can make you sick, … Continue reading