Handling Miscarriage and Loss

A local woman here in Australia, who suffered Neonatal Loss of her twin boys a couple of years ago, has come up with a novel idea for those who suffer a miscarriage. Erin Hartigan was 24 weeks pregnant when her her two boys were born prematurely. They only lived a short time. As a result of the pain and loss she suffered, she wanted to try and do something to help other mothers who had undergone a miscarriage or a similar experience of loss. This year on January 2 she had a dream about making a box to put all … Continue reading

Physical Recovery After Miscarriage

Miscarriage is a physically and emotionally difficult experience. The recovery time depends on how far along the pregnancy was at the time of the miscarriage. In general, physical recovery is faster in very early pregnancy than in a later miscarriage. The recovery time is usually between a week and a month. The pain and bleeding after a miscarriage is similar to that experienced during your menstrual cycle. The bleeding generally lasts about a week and gradually goes from resembling menstrual bleeding to light spotting. Cramping gradually fades within a few days after the miscarriage. Your doctor will give you instructions … Continue reading

Emotional Recovery After Miscarriage

The emotional recovery after a miscarriage is often much more difficult than the physical recovery. The process takes longer as well. Months and even years after a loss, the pain can suddenly seem fresh again. One of the most difficult parts of emotional recovery is the reaction of the people in your life. Some people are very supportive and sympathetic. Others either disregard the depth of your feelings or discount the real pain you are experiencing. Most people mean well. They may say things that seem insensitive. This is usually because they are trying to make you feel better or … Continue reading

Remembrance Photography Helps Parents of Stillborns

Photos save precious memories. This is why parents take a lot of baby photos (and continue to take more as the child grows). Sadly, parents whose babies will never leave the hospital don’t usually have the opportunity to take a photo of a baby who passed away shortly after birth. There is an organization of volunteer photographers that will help families of stillborns by taking some photos of their baby. Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep provides the gift of remembrance photography for parents suffering the loss of a baby. The photographers involved with this organization are there to … Continue reading

Golden Sky by EC Stilson

To call this a book is to do it an injustice. Golden Sky is Elisa’s journal, with her heart laid bare on each page, every raw and real emotion dealt with in black and white. As a parent my biggest fear has always been something happening to my child. I know that’s a fear for most parents. I cannot imagine being nineteen and finding out my baby had problems so severe that he may not make it. That’s what happened to Elisa. Already the parent of a very young child and expecting her second when she received the worst news … Continue reading

When My Best Friend Lost Her Baby

When I found out I was pregnant last spring, my best friend, Jessie, was one of the first people to find out. A few weeks later, she called me with some news of her own; she, too, was pregnant. She was a week and a day behind me. We were so excited; we were going to have babies together! But Jessie was in a completely different situation than I was. She had a Mirena IUD in place, which had been there for almost five years. She had some tough decisions to make. She decided right away that she wanted to … Continue reading

When Should You Conceive Again?

How long a woman should wait to conceive after a miscarriage has always been up for debate, but a recent study published in the journal BMJ found that there are no adverse effects to conceiving again right away. In the case of a single miscarriage, the outcome of the subsequent pregnancy was typically better when conception happened within six months of the first miscarriage. These findings really help bring the decision about when to conceive again back into the mother’s court. No longer is she ordered to wait 18 months to 24 months, which can really put a damper on … Continue reading

Deciding to Foster Parent, Part 1

We tried to conceive for over seven years. We had one failed IVF, three failed IUIs, three unsuccessful rounds of Clomid, and two miscarriages with D&C. So many disappointments and so much money wasted on the endeavor to birth a child. We didn’t want to adopt, but were open to it. Our attitude was that if God wanted us to adopt, He would make it perfectly clear. When we moved to Texas from California the first people we met lived across the street. They were in the process of adopting from China and helped to found the adoption ministry at … Continue reading

Phantom Pregnancy

The other day I was reading an article about a woman who was pregnant with 12 babies. In shock, I worried about the lives at stake and wondered why yet another doctor would implant that many embryos in a woman’s uterus. It’s reckless! The next day I saw another article about this same woman stating she was not pregnant. So what is the deal: is she pregnant or not? It turns out she was experiencing a condition known as “phantom pregnancy.” In other words, it was all in her head. As soon as doctors performed a medical examination, they discovered … Continue reading

Surprise Babies: Heather’s Story

This month I’m talking about surprise babies. I’ve been looking forward to sharing with you the story of one special little girl named Lillian Rose, who surprised her parents and their family with her miraculous debut. Her story begins long before she was born in 2002, when Heather and Jeremy met while working together at a local tool store. The high school sweethearts started dating two years later. On August 6, 2006, they tied the knot. About three months after they got married, they decided to start a family, but it wasn’t long before Heather realized things weren’t going to … Continue reading