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Oprah Counsels Rihanna and Jimmy Kimmel is Alone Again

Oprah, herself a victim of physical abuse, held a roundtable discussion on her show today and she offered some wise words of advice for Rihanna. The young star, who was beaten up by her boyfriend, singer Chris Brown, is said to have reunited with him at Diddy’s house in Miami. Oprah thinks the young couple needs to take some time and get counseling. She also mentioned a good point – “Love doesn’t hurt.” Well, at least not physically. And Oprah pointed out something she says she has been telling women for years – “If a man hits you once, he … Continue reading

Jack Myers Media Village

Jack Myers is the editor and publisher of Jack Myers Media Business Report, a leading advertising trade newsletter with a subscription based of over 20,000. He is well known in media, advertising, entertainment, financial, political and social circles for his take on pop culture as well as the media business. Named one of the “1,000 Most Creative Individuals in the U.S.” by Who’s Really Who in America, Jack travels the country speaking about media trends and how media technology impacts both businesses and our culture. Jack’s resume is very impressive, including a stint as a CBS sales executive, executive vice … Continue reading