Envelopes Budgets

A friend of mine came up with this simple budgeting scheme and I just had to share. It is a perfectly easy way to plan your expenditures each month and ensure you stick to them. I call it an Envelopes Budget. The process is simple. Start by tracking your expenses each month to get an idea of where your money is going (this is good to do anyway!) Once you have a basic plan, put a budget into place. Start by creating large categories for each expense and an appropriate budget amount, examples would be: *Groceries *Entertainment *Utilities *Gas *Rent … Continue reading

Marriage Fights: Money

Money fights are one of the biggest problems in marriages today. Financial counselor Dave Ramsey teaches that this is because how we spend our money reflect our values, and whether or not we have the same goals. For instance, if one spouse values saving for retirement while the other would rather have a new boat now (and spends the money intended to go into the retirement account), there is an obvious conflict. And since a large portion of LDS families are larger than the national average, with more stay-at-home moms (and thus tighter budgets), it is easy to understand why … Continue reading