Looking for Change in the Kitchen, Bedroom, Bath, or Hall? Go Vintage

Vintage decorating is a great idea for adding charm to your home. Vintage or vintage-look fabrics and other items can go a long way toward adding softness, a bit of nostalgia, and a sense of comfort to various spaces. Kitchens, bedrooms, bathrooms, are the most likely rooms to be decorated in a vintage fashion, but the style will work anywhere, and the hallway or entryway is a good example. Try Vintage Chairs Not only can you find unique designs in vintage chairs, but it’s also not usually too difficult to find a one of a kind piece at an antique … Continue reading

Tickets for Special Events at the Epcot Food Festival

I think I’m finally starting to get the hang of one important element of Disney blogging: mention all Disney Parks events way in advance. Not only that, mention the dates tickets go on sale a healthy time before they do so. That way anyone interested has plenty of time to prepare to buy, if they’re so inclined. I’m really trying to keep my ear to the ground this year to find out exactly when tickets go on sale for the filming of the Christmas Day Parade. We’ve still got a while until that happens, however, but don’t worry: I’ve got … Continue reading

Thanksgiving Reflections

Thanksgiving is one of those holidays were I tend to do a lot of reflecting. Sure, I realize that many choose the New Year to do this sort of thing but I believe that part of reflecting is counting your blessings. There was something about this year’s Thanksgiving that just really brought up lots of nostalgia within me. It is amazing to me how differently things become as your children begin to grow up. For instance, this year my daughter helped to prepare the parts of the meal that I contributed to. I remember a time when I had three … Continue reading

Think Twice Before Installing a Vintage Sink

Farmhouse sinks are really a big trend at the moment. Everyone loves the look. Many homeowners have fun finding a real vintage sink to fit their home, whether it is a farmhouse style or not. Older sinks can really add a sense of style, nostalgia and a feeling of being true to your older home. But before you install your vintage sink, take a look at this article. You may just think twice. Let’s start with that farmhouse sink, as an example of a vintage sink. While the style is definitely in demand, you might find that the trend has … Continue reading

When a Child’s Questions Get HARD

I admit that I do have some nostalgia for those fun questions my children used to ask when they were tiny–questions about how bees find their way home and why both hot and cold water come out of the kitchen faucet. As children get older, if a parent has laid the groundwork of honesty and approachability, a child’s questions become increasingly difficult and can really stretch a parent’s brain power and sensitivity! I do believe in honesty and directness with children from the very beginning. I think if we give our children honest answers to their questions when they are … Continue reading

How Long Do I Keep the Sippy Cups?

Alright, here is my confession for the day–I STILL have a dozen sippy cups tucked up in my kitchen cupboard. I have not been able to bring myself to throw them out even though my three children are all in the later years of high school and in less than a year, the eldest will be marching off to college. I don’t know what is worse–the fact that I still have the sippy cups, or the reality that my kids’ friends occasionally use them?! My kids don’t, I think because they are sort of embarrassed that their sentimental mom has … Continue reading

The End of Mr. Meow’s Maestro Days

Because of our impending move, our house is under siege from moving-related chaos. We are trying to get rid of as much stuff as possible. For one, and perhaps the most obvious, we don’t want to move more than we have to. For another, it helps decrease the clutter so our house will show better. One of the things that we decided it was time to part with was our baby grand piano. We got it eleven years ago, shortly after we bought our very first house in Phoenix. A friend of a friend was going through a divorce and … Continue reading

Trash: The Discarded Aspects of Our Lives

You may think talking trash in the marriage blog is not a good fit, but whether you’re talking about garbage duty, discarding detritus from our households in a general clear out or having an emotional clear out – trash exists. The Discarded Aspects of Our Lives Who you were when you were a teenager is not who you are in your twenties. Who you were in your twenties is not who you are in your thirties and who you were when you were single is not who you are when you are married and so forth and so on. This … Continue reading

Five Frugal Easter Basket Ideas

Who says you have to spend to spend a lot on Easter Baskets? I don’t like baskets myself because they just get thrown out (waste) or need to be stored the whole year to use just one day (clutter). If you just look around, I bet you’ll find many creative ideas for things you can use instead of those expensive baskets. Reusing the “baskets” will make things especially frugal for Easter. Here are just a few ideas to get you started. Plastic sand pails with shovels are on sale now in preparation for the upcoming summer. Snag a few colorful … Continue reading

Do You Like Vintage?

What do you think of vintage décor? Do you like the look of hand-sewn quilts and crocheted Afghans? Do you like the colors reminiscent of another time? Maybe you picture a vintage theme room filled with old Coca-Cola collectibles and memorabilia. Can you see a black and white checkerboard tile floor, white walls, and one of those adorable black wrought iron bistro sets or ice cream parlor table and chairs? I know, it’s been done, but I’ve always liked the stark contrast of black against white. A splash of red injected by the Coke items would warm it up and … Continue reading