Pregnancy: There’s An App For That!

“There’s an app for that.” It’s become such a popular phrase that it has inspired websites like (App For That) where people can submit their own “app for that” scenario. And pregnancy? There really is an app for that! Pilates and Pregnancy Sarah Picot is a Pilates instructor and an author. She created the ever popular Pregnancy Pilates DVD and has now released a new app for the iPhone called Pilates for Pregnancy – Complete. It’s not just an exercise app, it’s a pregnancy planner as well. It even includes a photo album. The planner includes a to-do list … Continue reading

Understanding Molar Pregnancy

A molar pregnancy can be a scary and confusing diagnosis. You may be wondering what happened to the baby? Is this like a miscarriage? If there is no baby, why did the pregnancy test come out positive? These are all valid questions. It helps to first understand what it means to have a molar pregnancy. In a normal pregnancy, conception happens when a healthy egg meets sperm. The sperm fertilizes the egg and the fertilized egg begins dividing rapidly. The hCG hormone is present in the blood within about a week of conception. It may be a few weeks before … Continue reading

Surviving Your Last Weeks of Pregnancy: The Emotional Train Wreck

In addition to the physical discomforts, the last few weeks of pregnancy can induce episodes of anxiety, distress, sadness, and frustration. You may be anxious about waiting for labor to begin, delivery itself, or becoming a parent for the first time. Aches and pains affect your ability to deal with the emotional ups and downs. The body goes through another wave of hormone changes in preparation for labor and delivery, which can make mood swings worse. Going through false labor can have you ready to pull your hair out! Sometimes normal fears are inflated by outside influences, such as when … Continue reading

The Election of the Untested and the Untried

Subtitle: What Exactly Qualifies You to Be President? Other than being 35 and a natural born citizen, there are very few qualifications for being President of the United States. At a tutoring session this spring we asked our middle school students what you had to do to become president, what type of experience you need and they replied that you had to have a college degree. And kids (how else are you going to deal with teen pregnancy?) You don’t need lots of money, they said, but you do need a rich daddy. One girl quipped: “You need some acting … Continue reading

High School Girls make Pregnancy Pact

Several schools and education programs have been designed to address and help prevent teen pregnancies. However Gloucester High is facing something that I do not think anyone really expected or prepared for happening. The school in Massachusetts realized that there was a problem when an unusually high number of girls began visiting the school clinic as early as October of last year to take pregnancy tests. Some of the girls returned several times and actually even acted a little disappointed when they discovered that they were not pregnant. By summer vacation seventeen girls ages 16 and younger were pregnant. After … Continue reading

STDs and Pregnancy

At your first prenatal visit, the nurse will take what feels like quarts of blood. These samples are used to test for a variety of things. Some of the tests are for some common sexually transmitted diseases. There is good reason for these tests. There can be serious risks to both the mother and baby when the mother contracts an STD during pregnancy. The Center for Disease Control offers the following statistics on yearly statistics for sexually transmitted diseases in pregnancy: * Bacterial Vaginosis 800,000 * Herpes Simplex 800,000 * Chlamydia 200,000 * Trichomoniasis 80,000 * Gonorrhea 40,000 * Hepatitis … Continue reading

The Pregnancy Blog Review October 3-13

The pregnancy blog covers a wide range of topics from trying to conceive to the post partum period. If you find you don’t have time to keep up with the blog, the pregnancy blog review is an easy way to see the week’s blogs in one place. Sit back, relax and catch up on your reading. As always, I’m always open to suggestions for topics of future blogs. Induction has become so popular in recent years that doctors do an induction on request or for easier scheduling. This is changing in hospitals across the country. A Change in Thinking about … Continue reading

Dating During Pregnancy

Sometimes I wonder if, with all of the controversial things about being a single parent, if there is one super-controversial topic. Perhaps, if I had to choose one, I might choose the topic of whether or not single pregnant parents should or shouldn’t date during pregnancy. Of course, I am not the sort of person who is the slightest bit qualified or interested in telling someone else what they should and shouldn’t do—but it does seem like there are some definite considerations for those who have chosen to become or stay pregnant and are single to boot… To be honest, … Continue reading

The Pregnancy Blog Week in Review for Aug 17-25

Welcome to the pregnancy blog week in review. This weekly blog gives a synopsis of the blogs posted this week. The review is a great place to read articles in one place. Healthy pregnancy wishes to all our expectant mommies. Paternity Testing in Pregnancy offers information on current testing available to determine paternity while you are still pregnant. While there are a few options available, it is best for the health of your baby to wait until the baby is born. At that time a simple blood test can give the results with no health risk. How Can I Tell … Continue reading

Paternity Testing in Pregnancy

For some women, there may be a question about the paternity of the baby. If this is the case, you may want to find out as quickly as possible. There is less risk to the baby if you wait until he or she is born. Unless there is an extreme situation that must be resolved immediately, it’s best for your baby to wait and take a blood sample after the birth. The two tests used to determine paternity during pregnancy are the amniocentesis and the chorionic villus sampling (CVS) test. amniocentesis can be done between 14 and 20 weeks. The … Continue reading