PETCO Has a Halloween Costume Contest For Pets

Does your pet have a vibrant personality? Does it seem like your pet has as much fun dressing up in a Halloween costume as you do seeing him or her wearing it? If so, you should enter your pet in the PETCO costume contest. There are over $1,000 in prizes, just waiting to be won! For many people, Halloween is a fun holiday. Pet owners can dress up their pets in cute, scary, or downright amusing costumes, just for fun. Of course, it is helpful if your dog or cat happens to like wearing “clothing”. I can’t quite decide what … Continue reading

Millionaire Heir Pets

At the end of June another story broke of a billionaire bequeathing a fortune to the family pets. In this instance, MSNBC has the report of heiress Gail Posner leaving $3 million and continued use of her mansion to her Chihuahua Conchita, only giving $1 million to her son. The son, Brett Carr, claims that his mother’s staff brainwashed her in the last years of her life into leaving her fortune to her pets, and by extension, them. Some members of the staff have been retained to take care of Conchita and two other dogs in Posner’s mansion. They will … Continue reading

Can Pets Sense Our Emotions?

I’ve always believed that animals are sensitive to emotions — in their owners, in new people they meet, maybe even in other animals. But if you try to go looking for proof, you get a whole lot of anecdotal evidence. I am pretty sure that my dogs recognize tone of voice — and that is often related to emotion. They know the difference between my play voice and my serious voice (the one that says “go in the house now, we’re done fooling around and trying to find cats in the landscaping!”) For the record, they listen better to the … Continue reading

Wagging My Tail Goodbye to the Pets Blog

I’m sitting in my office looking out the window watching the snow melt from the rooftops and bushes as I’m writing this. Last night we got measureable snow, a bit of an oddity in December for us here in Nashville. Whenever we get snow like this now I think about the first winter I was writing for We got snow one February and I took Murph outside to play in it, then wrote about it as my blog for the day later. How much inspiration I’ve drawn from my pets over the past two years since I first began … Continue reading

Thanksgiving Love Stories: Home for the Holidays

Last year at this time Wayne and I were in Denver to celebrate Thanksgiving with our family. I remember being so excited about getting to spend a whole week with Wayne. Thanksgiving, Then and Now It was a big deal because we’d spent months apart enduring a commuter marriage. But then Wayne decided not to stay with the job in Jacksonville and to get his old job back here in Nashville. I was over the moon! (Mostly because I was tired of trying to keep the house show-ready and over only seeing him on weekends.) Last year, Thanksgiving week marked … Continue reading

The Pets Blog Week in Review for December 10-16

The big push is on. The closer it gets to December the 25th, the busier everyone seems to get. Which is what the Week in Review is made for. If you’ve been too preoccupied with other things lately, here’s a way to keep up with what Aimee and I wrote last week on: Monday, December 10 Diary of a Cat Care B&B Aimee’s a freelance writer by trade but she wanted a little something to get her out of the house at least part time. So what kind of job did she get? One with animals of course! She helps … Continue reading

The Pets Blog Week in Review for Sep 10-16

If you missed any of the Pets Blog last week you’ve clicked the right place to catch up. Here’s what Aimee and I wrote on: Monday, September 10 I related the big fun Murph has with his flying monkey. (Nope, they’re not just for Dorothy and Toto to play with anymore.) Oh what a tangled web we weave…when we walk our dogs? Well, when Aimee walks her dogs. She becomes the Amazing Spider Head! And because of her encounters, it got her to wondering about poisonous spiders. Best to know what they look like in case she comes across them. … Continue reading

Stick to ‘Em! How You and Your Pet Can Keep Your 2007 Resolutions

Ah, the New Year. Fresh starts, new beginnings, and resolutions. What’s yours? Lose weight? Get organized? Spend more time with your loved ones? With the second week of the New Year drawing to a close and the third week about to begin, how are those resolutions shaping up? Are you sticking to them? If the answer is, “No,” or “Just barely,” take heart. This is about the time enthusiasm starts to wane (if it hasn’t died completely already), Real Life returns with all of its demands, and it’s very easy to find ways not to accomplish your goals. But never … Continue reading

Shopping the Sales: Cool Christmas Clearance for Pet Lovers

While I was bargain hunting for the dogs, cats, and other family pets, I stumbled across some neat sales items their humans might like too. For Dog Lovers: In the Company of Dogs has some of my favorite things. Their Canine Coat of Arms door mat is now a whopping 57% off, making it $12.99. The design is great, but what I like most about this item is the Latin on it, which translated says: “Always loyal, forever faithful” and “Love me, love my dog.” (I can’t get it, though, because the cat would feel slighted!) I’m a proud owner … Continue reading