Weight Loss: Getting In Shape After Pregnancy

Here you are with this beautiful bundle of joy and you are on a high. Feeling like this it might not hit you right away. One day you get a glimpse of yourself in a mirror or maybe it will strike you as you are walking past a window at the shopping plaza. You do a double take and wonder who it is. Okay, now the depression might set in, but do not worry. You can conquer the post baby fitness battle. Your body has undergone a tremendous workout. You have just had a human being inside your body for … Continue reading

Pregnancy After Weight Loss Surgery

According to the National Association for Weight Loss Surgery, approximately 100,000 women undergo surgery each year. Some of these women will go on to conceive and have healthy pregnancies. If you have had, or are considering weight loss surgery, there are a few things you should know. Most doctors recommend waiting at least 18 months after surgery before getting pregnant. This allows time for your weight to stabilize after the surgery. Getting pregnant too soon can result in malnutrition of the fetus, which is a serious complication. If you have had fertility issues that are related to weight, you may … Continue reading

Weight Loss After Pregnancy

There’s a lot of concern for women to lose their pregnancy weight and achieve their pre-pregnancy figures. Some women seem to do so without any real effort and some of us seem to find that losing that thirty pounds harder than climbing uphill with a fifty-pound bag. It’s hardly surprising that post-pregnancy weight loss is a hot-button issue for women and that’s not even taking into account the emotional upheaval that surrounds a woman in the days, weeks and months after her child is born. So let’s hit some highlight issues here – it’s normal for a woman to gain … Continue reading

Five Weird Pregnancy Symptoms

There are a number of weird, though perfectly normal, side effects to pregnancy that no one tells you about.  You might get all or none of these, and it could vary from one of your pregnancies to another. 1. Bloody Gums.  Early in the second trimester I began noticing a bit more blood than normal when I flossed.  I went to my routine dentist appointment, and the hygienist confirmed that yup, that’s just something that can happen when you’re pregnant.  Chalk this one down to hormones; they’re making your gums (and other parts) more inflamed than usual.  Pregnant women are … Continue reading

Fun Ways to Treat Yourself During Pregnancy

Pregnancy can be a very intense experience, from the constant cravings and mood swings to the physical changes in your body and the often uncomfortable symptoms like morning sickness, heartburn (oh, the heartburn), and water retention. You are working hard to grow a healthy baby, so why not take some time each day to relax and pamper yourself. There are many ways that you can build something special “just for you” into your day. Here are a few ideas. If your feet are tired, sore, and swollen, a warm soak followed by some rich and creamy foot lotion can help … Continue reading

Benefits of Exercise During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, many women want to do as many things as they can to stay healthy. Eating good food is one way that pregnant women can stay healthy during pregnancy. Exercising is another thing that most pregnant women can do to maintain optimal health during pregnancy. Of course, the number one consideration regarding exercising during pregnancy is to stay safe. Discuss exercise with your prenatal care provider at every visit, so that you always know how much of what kind of activities are appropriate for where you are in your pregnancy, given how your body is responding to pregnancy. For … Continue reading

Hair Loss After Baby – Don’t Panic, It Is Normal

While you are pregnant, you may sometimes wonder about what life will be like after the baby is born. Many things will happen after the baby is born, like getting to know your baby, learning to care for your baby, experiencing what it feels like to not be pregnant any more, and watching your baby grow and change. There are also other, more minor things that may happen too. You may not know about some of them until they happen because they are not really things that people talk about that much. Postpartum hair loss is an example of something … Continue reading

Postpartum Hair Loss

Since you are pregnant, you may be wondering about what happens after the baby is born. Of course many things happen after the baby is born – you learn to care for the baby, your body recovers from pregnancy and birth, and you begin watching your baby grow and change. There are also other things that happen too, and you may not know about them until they happen because they are not really things that people talk about that much. One of those things is postpartum hair loss. Of course, no one is going to say “wow, you’re pregnant – … Continue reading

Post Partum Hair Loss

Our bodies go through numerous changes during pregnancy and subsequently after we have given birth. One of those changes for many women is a form of hair loss. In most cases, it is nothing to be concerned about because most women also experience a lack of daily hair loss during pregnancy (most people loose an average of one hundred individual scalp hairs a day). I did not really notice my hair falling out after my son was born. During my pregnancy with my son I cut my hair rather short. It is more difficult to be aware of short strands … Continue reading

Losing the Pregnancy Weight Part III

Burning calories is some what intangible. I really have no idea how many calories I am burning each day by breast feeding my daughter. I would like to give credit to a healthier diet and a commitment to long term exercise for my seemingly quicker come back from having my daughter. Having these habits in the beginning really do make a difference. At almost five weeks post-partum I have not actively worked at loosing the excess weight for very long. My efforts have just begun and I am determined to get closer to my pre-pre pregnancy weight (what I weighted … Continue reading