Help for Uneven Skin Tone

A few years ago I started noticing my skin didn’t look quite right. I developed these splotchy dark areas on my cheeks, my upper lip, and on my forehead. Maybe dark isn’t the right word. Discolored is a better one. A neighbor of mine in our current neighborhood here in Nashville told me she’d had the same trouble in her 30s. (Which I am. She’s 50.) She told me hers was due to hormones and the sun. (Which I suspect so is mine. When we lived in Florida I spent a ton of time outdoors. Also, I notice around that … Continue reading

Top 5 Ways to Make Your Paint Job Look Professional

Painting can be a tricky task, requiring loads of time to be dedicated towards the preparation, task and clean up. Painting is such an art that entire professionals devote their careers to specializing in it. Here are some quick tips for helping you make your paint job look professional, even if you are just beginning. 1. Mind the Trim The first sign of an amateur painter is paint marks all over the trim and other areas that, clearly, should not have paint on them. When painting for the first few times, it is easy to lose control of the brush … Continue reading