Answers to Fitness Myths

I asked you yesterday about some of my favorite fitness myths and gave you a list of some common urban advice I’ve seen bantered about with regards to fitness and getting in shape. I asked you which ones were true and which ones were false. Here’s a refresher for those of you may have missed the original blog on this topic: True or False: If you want to lose belly fat, then you need to do sit ups and crunches to make that happen. There’s an easy way for everyone to lose weight, you just have to find the one … Continue reading

Don’t Binge on Exercise

I’ve talked about this before, but there’s a mentality to fitness that can healthy, but performed in the extreme – it’s anything but. I’ve never been a fan of deprivation diets. By the same token I’ve never been a fan of binge exercising either. We’ve all done it though, we’ve all felt like we weren’t meeting a program or goals and serious enough about our exercise. You know who you are. You have trouble staying motivated. You likely work out once a week – maybe twice. You push yourself really hard on those days because you didn’t work out on … Continue reading