Bible Stories to Share with Your Children: Families Reunited

In the last segment I wrote about Joseph’s life, Joseph was put in a place of prominence by Pharaoh in Egypt. Joseph found favor with Pharaoh because Joseph (through the Lord) interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams which had greatly troubled Pharaoh. Beginning in Genesis 41:47, the Bible speaks of the seven years of abundance within the land of Egypt in which Joseph directed the storage of grain. Then, beginning in Genesis 41:53, the Bible speaks of the seven years of famine which afflicted the land. People from all lands came to Joseph to buy grain which Joseph had stored during the seven … Continue reading

Bible Stories to Share With Your Children: Enoch

If you have ever read straight through the book of Genesis you have noticed there are several genealogies given in the text. Although these genealogies have an importance in scripture, sometimes they are difficult to read through because you are simply reading a list of generations of people with names you may or may not be able to pronounce. However occasionally when reading through these genealogies a small story may be given about one of the people listed. That is the case with the man who is the focus of this blog: Enoch. In Genesis 5:18-24 the Bible tells of … Continue reading

Bible Stories to Share with Your Children: Adam and Eve

The story of Adam and Eve, their temptation and the fall of man, is found in the Bible from Genesis 2:15 through Gensis 3:24. The story of Adam and Eve continues on past the end of the third chapter of Genesis; however, I want to focus on the first part of their story. The account of Adam and Eve can easily be taught on different levels depending on the age of your children. Key Lessons 1. God gave a commandment which Adam and Eve were required to follow. There are commandments which must be followed today. Ephesians 6:1 states: “Children, … Continue reading

Creation Crafts

I thought that in conjunction with my blog over the Biblical account of creation I’d share with you some crafting ideas. I must admit that I really don’t have many creative bones in my body (although I do try) so I adapted some of these ideas from things I found while browsing around on the internet. A Creation Book Have your children draw pictures for each of the days of creation on separate pieces of paper. You might even encourage older children to write in the description that corresponds with that particular day of creation. Bind the pages in any … Continue reading

Stories of the Bible

When speaking or writing of accounts in the Bible, I hesitate to use the phrase “stories of the Bible.” There are stories in the Bible, but sometimes the connotation of the word “story” indicates something that is fictional. In fact when I looked up synonyms of the word “story” the majority of the words listed were words meaning “a fictional event” such as “legend” and “fairy-tale.” I’ve heard people say of the Bible, “that is a good book of stories, but nothing more.” Or even, “the New Testament recounts real events, but the Old Testament is just a bunch of … Continue reading