Baby Blog Week in Review: June 16th Through June 22nd

June 16th was a very special day for me. That is the day that my first baby was born. And while he is now an active seven-year-old with a younger brother and sister, I still remember the days when it was just the two of use together for most of the day, and I had so much to learn about babies. And now with my youngest still a baby, I find that there is still a lot to discover. I hope you will spend time with me and this blog, as we find out together. June 16th Baby Blog Week … Continue reading

How Much Support Would Your Mate be for You?

When you take your marriages vows, you vow to love one another through better and through worse. The better part is always an easy one to uphold. However, many couples struggle when it comes to the worse clause. Courtney had discussed in a previous article wives that stand by their husbands through scandals and such. She also talked about how they stand by their man devoted (at least in the public’s eye). There are also women and men who stand by one another through affairs and cheating. Today I want to look at things from a little different perspective. What … Continue reading

Sometimes I wish I Could Still Keep them Close

I was a baby-wearer—even though it was really just the beginning of the current “attachment parenting” movement when my children were babies nearly two decades ago, and I did not have a rebozo or other sort of wrap, I still carried my babies first in the “front pack” as I called it and then on my back for the first year or so of their lives. In fact, I quickly learned that with a newborn and young infant, wearing them was so much easier, kept them happier, and made it possible for me to tend to other children and duties … Continue reading

Frugal Car Repair and Maintenance Tips

Cars are a place where saving money is not always possible. They are also a place that quality should not be compromised. However, there are a few ways you can save money on car repairs and car maintenance. Here are a few tips. Oil Change/Regular Tune Up – A regular oil change can add to the life of your automobile. A healthy car is a long lasting car. A good rule of thumb is to change the oil every 3000 miles or so. This tip comes from our local oil change store. The manager confirmed that a car with regular … Continue reading

Extending the Life of Your Carpet 2

If you want to get the most out of your carpet purchase, you need to take good care of it. This is part two of a two-part series. Rearrange your furniture every so often to evenly distribute the wear on the carpet. This works in two ways. By exposing new areas of the carpet and covering up other areas, you reduce the chance that your carpet will be different colors due to fading from sunlight or dirt. Rearranging the furniture may also change the traffic flow of your room and prevent one specific area from becoming overly worn. If you … Continue reading

Cell Phone Care

Ask most people how often they replace their cell phone, and they themselves might be surprised by what they tell you. From a very unscientific and informal survey of friends, relative and readers, I found that at least seven out of ten people (or 70 percent) replace a cell phone at least once a year. While some of these replacements are due to upgrades, the majority of reasons given for replacement were broken, lost or stolen cell phones. Replacing your cell phone can be an expensive business. While most cell phone carriers do offer customers a minimal insurance, most customers … Continue reading

Picking Valentine Flowers

Flowers are so associated with love and Valentines Day that chances are that you will either receive or give some this Valentine’s Day. This past week, I received an e-mail from my son’s school. It was a document that contained a form to order pink, white and red carnations for Valentines Day. The school is using the sale as a fundraiser, and I can order some flowers in a convenient way. It got me thinking about choosing flowers and taking care of them. Here are some tips to ensure that your blooms last long and strong. Roses sure do make … Continue reading

Winter House Plant Care

Houseplants feel the colder temperatures and reduced humidity just as we humans do. The shorter days means that many plants slow down their growth. Here are some tips to help you keep your houseplants healthy and happy. Be careful about placing houseplants on windowsills in the winter. Not only might they get drafts from cold winds, but if their leaves touch the cold window the leaves can get damaged and fall off. A better idea is to place plants near a windowsill but not directly on it. Rotate your houseplants on a regular basis. With the reduced angle of the … Continue reading

Training Time

Yes, you guessed it, night one with a new puppy and not much sleep happened. So now, having read the advice of experts, we are in the process of trying to train her to get used to her own company at least for some of the time and to sleep in her own basket at night without howling for company. The experience reminded me of when my son was a baby. He was happy to be anywhere, as long as I was in sight but as soon as I tried a playpen or a baby gate between us he protested … Continue reading

“Mom, I Was Worried About You”

In most cases, my kids could pretty much set their watches by me. While my personality is definitely spontaneous and I am willing to take risks and try new things, family life has also made me a rather reliable and loyal sort. I make plans, leave notes, and have tried to set an example for my kids of basic respect of time and commitments. The downside to all this responsibility is that when I do shake things up a bit and change my schedule—my kids get a bit worried! It is an interesting flip of karma for me since my … Continue reading