Holiday Family Bonding Around the TV

If someone is getting paid to write an article about television and children you can bet that the tone of the piece likely won’t be very positive. TV generally gets a bad rap, especially when it comes to children being overexposed to it. However, this time of year I don’t think there’s anything wrong with children spending a bit more time in front of the boob tube—-with their parents—-watching holiday classics like “A Charlie Brown Christmas” and “Frosty the Snowman.” “Santa Claus is Coming to Town” and “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”–these are national treasures as far as I’m concerned and … Continue reading

How Are You Spending the Day After Thanksgiving?

I hope that you enjoyed a good Thanksgiving holiday. How are you spending this day after? For us, we started the day by sleeping in for a bit. We had a lot of sleep to make up, thanks to an emergency room visit and a long Thanksgiving day that ended with a two-hour drive back home. We enjoyed the day, but we all feel tired and a bit achy. Our daughter woke up in her fancy dress, too tired to change when my husband carried her to bed half-asleep in the car. Despite the hot fudge stain on it from … Continue reading

My Top 10 Christmas Movies/Television Shows

There are some movies and shows that I just love to watch each year to get me in the Christmas mood. I know some of my choices may not be ones that everyone else loves and I’ve forgotten a few, so let me know your favorites! 10. Holiday Inn This Irving Berlin great includes great music (including “White Christmas”) and great dancing. With Bing Crosby and Fred Astaire, how could you go wrong? Each Christmas season, I long to be Marjorie Reynolds having those two fighting over me. 9. A Charlie Brown Christmas I hope younger generations will love this … Continue reading