How to Get Your Home in the Movies 2

If you missed the first post in this series, click here: How to Get Your Home in the Movies. How much can I make? The typical fee for renting out your home can be anywhere from $1,000 to $20,000, depending on the style of the house, the size of the house and who is interested in using your house. The average reimbursement for using your home in a movie, television show or commercial is generally about $3,000 a day. What is involved? Casting scouts will look at several properties and then decide on the right one. A “casting is usually … Continue reading

How to Get Your Home in the Movies

Do you want to get paid to have your home appear in a movie, television show or commercial? You could earn up to $5,000 a day and have the bragging rights that your home appeared in on the big or small screen. Here is what you need to know! Location, location, location First of all, it helps to have your home located in an area where a lot of filming is done. Southern California is a good one, and so is the greater New York City area (I can’t count the number of times our New York apartment building, neighborhood … Continue reading

Setting Boundaries When You Have a Mental Illness

It’s important for everyone to have a healthy set of personal boundaries, but even more important when you suffer from a mental illness. Boundaries take many shapes and forms, such as how you let people speak to you or speaking up if you feel you are being belittled because of your illness. Today, however, I would like to talk about once specific boundary in particular. It is when others use the fact that you have a mental illness to their advantage. Let’s take a look at the case of Megan. Megan suffers from agoraphobia, but like many mental illnesses, the … Continue reading

Film Cameras Fading Away

In a previous blog I mentioned that my traditional film camera decided to go on vacation while I was on vacation. My trusty Canon EOS Rebel K2 went on strike during part of my trip to Hawaii a few months ago. Needless to say, I spent the better part of an entire day trying to track down a camera repair shop that could help me salvage my cherished sharpshooter. It was a frustrating endeavor to say the least for one simple reason: film cameras are becoming obsolete. I can’t tell you how many camera storeowners were shocked to hear that … Continue reading

Is There Any Way to Speed Up the Scanning Process?

If you have ever tried to archive boxes and boxes of old photos, film or slides in a single afternoon then you might have asked yourself that very question. I know I have. When my cousin bought a new scanner years ago I offered to help her organize old family photos so that she could archive them on her computer. She had three shoeboxes filled with loose pictures mainly from the 1970s that she wanted to scan in a single day. We both figured it would take no more than four hours to complete. Boy, were we wrong. Try four … Continue reading

Why You Shouldn’t Have Your Film Go Through Airport X-Ray Machines

In my previous blog I reminded you of the TSA’s rule, which prohibits travelers from packing unused rolls of film in checked luggage. The airport’s sophisticated, high intensity x-ray machines used to screen checked bags have been proven to destroy unused rolls of film. However, the TSA maintains film (both used and unused) can safely be screened in x-ray machines used for carry-on bags. But camera experts disagree. They recommend travelers have all their film hand inspected by airport security personnel. TSA agents are schooled to inform passengers that the x-rays used to screen carry-on bags will not damage or … Continue reading

Why You Should Never Pack Unused Film in Your Suitcase

It’s a lesson I almost found out the hard way. Yes, the rule is posted in bold letters on the security placards to the right of the airline’s check-in desks, but I don’t typically travel with film (you might not either if you shoot with a digital camera). However, during my most recent trip home to Hawaii I brought along my favorite camera and had a few spare rolls of film packed in my suitcase. That’s a major no-no, according to the TSA agent who was in the process of lifting my checked bag onto the x-ray machine when she … Continue reading

Taking the Guesswork Out of Film Speeds

After understanding why it is important to use different film speeds for different situations, it is time to focus on the actual film speeds. Using a different speed film for different situations can have different results. Here is a quick run down of the most common film types and when it is best to use them. 100 Speed Film The perfect film for the great outdoors, as long as the sun is shining. When used correctly, it can deliver a bright, crisp, clear photograph with the most accurate colors and the sharpest detail. This film speed works great for still … Continue reading

Understanding the Importance of Film Speeds

With the digital age upon us, this might not seem like such an important article, however many of us die-hard photographers still swear by our film cameras. In fact, photographs from film have been proven to outlast photographs taken digitally. This is why many of us still tend to take several rolls a year. So if you are one of those people who still takes photographs using film, this article is for you. It is important to choose the right film. There are different speeds of film that are made to specifically deal with certain types of lighting, the time … Continue reading

Where To Get Your Photographs Developed (2)

Continuing from yesterday’s article, Where To Get Your Photographs Developed, this article will continue to show you the basic types of photo labs and places available for processing your film and getting digital prints printed. While there are many options, these articles discuss only the most basic options. Commercial Photo Labs Generally these are not available to the general public, however they are used for the general public. These are the labs that major discount stores, grocery stores and pharmacies send the film to process, when you drop it off for anything other than one hour service. Commercial photo labs … Continue reading