Tapping Into the Golden Rule in Business

The Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do to you is one of those gems we all learn in childhood. It may come back to us again and again throughout life but we generally think of it in terms of our personal relationships—not necessarily our business activities. In fact, many of us have been taught that the business world is dog-eat-dog—we have to stick it to the other guy before they stick it to us. This is the exact opposite of that Golden Rule. I do believe, however, that we can use the old wisdom as … Continue reading

People Treat Us how We Let Them

I frequently talk about putting our spouses first, being open and giving and generous in our relationships. I often mention that relationships are give and take, but I don’t concentrate a lot on the “take” part, since most of us are born with a stronger take gene than a give gene. However, we all have things in our lives that make an impact on us and sometimes troubles can leave us feeling vulnerable. We may then find it harder to stand up for ourselves whether it’s out of fear or whether it’s because we’re just tired of fighting. There are … Continue reading

Three Marriage Resolutions Everyone Can Keep

I’ve said it before and I will continue to say it: even the best marriages still have room for improvement. So, whether your marriage is good, bad, or indifferent, these three resolutions, which anyone can keep, will make your relationship stronger. Drop Everything At least once in a while, it is important to put everything else on hold for your spouse. That’s right, drop everything, and show your mate how important he or she is to you. Instead of saying, “Hang on for a minute,” or, “I’ll do it later,” just stop what you’re doing and go see what your … Continue reading

Marriage and the Golden Rule

“Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” Despite all the tips and advice given regarding marriage here and everywhere else, the Golden Rule is probably the best way to sum up the effort to build a happy marriage. As long as no one has a self-destructive disorder, he or she is going to wish to be treated well. It makes sense then that if we treat our spouses just as well as we would like to be treated, at least most of the time, the relationship should reflect that. This is also true of dating, but … Continue reading

What Does Unconditional Love Mean to You?

Unconditional love, in the simplest terms, means loving another person without conditions, no matter what. All adults have a basic understanding of genuine, unconditional love. We can find a precise, dictionary definition or read about its many nuances in marriage and relationship advice books, but how is it defined in your own marriage? Unconditional love can mean different things to different people. For some it means loving someone even when you don’t like him or her very much at the moment (for good reason) but standing by that person anyway. For others, it may mean becoming more accepting of your … Continue reading