Memorabilia: What to Collect

Collecting memorabilia is fun. It commemorates special occasions as well as reminding you of certain aspects of an event or a travel destination. But what should you include? What should be saved? Unfortunately there is no right or wrong answer to those questions. It is a matter of what you want to save, or rather, have room to save. It depends on what memories you want of an event or occasion. Here are some creative ideas to get you started and help you decide what you might like to collect. Vacations: Pick up maps, brochures, postcards and menus as you … Continue reading

Using the End of the Roll of Film

Every once in a while, I am just dying to get some pictures developed, but the roll of film in my camera is only halfway or almost complete. In this day and age of digital photos I realize that this might not be a problem for all of you. But for those of you that do still use film (and you should), I wanted to help you use the end of your roll without actually wasting the film. It’s hard to wait to get pictures developed, especially when you know there is something special on that roll. Here are some … Continue reading

Working With Scraps: Part Two

Earlier I discussed tips for using your paper scraps, now I’m going to focus on using up the other scraps you have: stickers, ribbon and fibers. When you are on a budget, you really need to focus on using what you have before purchasing all the latest and greatest products. Don’t get me wrong, I love all the products out on the market and the new stuff they come out with practically daily. I’m not about to tell you not to buy anything new. In fact, I’m notorious for finding new products and bringing them home. Of course, then they … Continue reading

Working With Scraps: Part One

I think most scrapbookers have a pile of scraps that have accumulated in their scrapbook room. Everything from paper scraps, to sticker remnants, ribbons, fiber and so much more. Thanks to ingenious organizing, I now have all mine separated in my scrapbook room and they are in nicely organized containers (something I will discuss in another entry). However, I really have a lot – probably too much. Since I tend to be on the frugal side in my everyday life, I’m trying to carry it over to my scrapbooking and crafting as well. The most often heard piece of advice, … Continue reading

Recipes For Great Journaling

One of the hardest decisions to make, in regards to journaling is thinking of what you want to say on your page, or how you want to say it. In previous entries, I’ve given you the basic process to begin your journaling. But I often hear scrapbookers say they need some inspiration for telling the stories, capturing the memories and making their album full of more than just elaborately designed cardstock and pictures. Consider a Journaling Recipe. A Journaling Recipe is a formula you can use for just about any page theme. It makes scrapbooking easier when you can pick … Continue reading

The First Page in an Album: Part Two

The first page of a scrapbook album is often the most challenging. You want it to show your personality or perhaps just tell about your family or goals in the scrapbook. Letting the reader know what they are about to see, can often pique their interest. Your goal is to capture the mood of the album on that first page. Earlier I talked about different ideas for the first page in a scrapbook album. There are so many different ways you can make your album special by trying them. However, now I’m going to provide you with some general scrapbook … Continue reading

Paper Tearing: Tear Your Art Out

Paper Tearing is a fun technique that can help add dimension to your scrapbook layouts. With these six easy steps you can get started and create fabulous projects. Start Simple: You need to begin with the basics. Tear strips and shapes before you move on to more complicated objects. With experience and learning control as you tear, you will be able to create more elaborate designs. Choose the Right Paper: Tearing thicker paper is much easier and more controlled than thinner paper. Cardstock is the perfect paper for tearing. Some cardstock can be torn and will expose the white core … Continue reading

The First Page in an Album: Part One

I am sure you have heard the old saying, “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” The same could be said about your family and friends’ first impression regarding your albums. If you spend hours or days on a beautiful layout, you wouldn’t just ignore the title and content. You wouldn’t leave people wondering who it is in those pictures, and what they are doing. You’d want to make sure you had the perfect title, and most likely a nice little journaling box explaining what is happening or words to the recipient. If you take so … Continue reading

Product Review: Legacy Craft

Well over a year ago, I discovered Legacy Craft, a company dedicated to sharing the importance of scrapbooking through video, stories and music. I had saved the link when it was shared on a message board I frequent, because I loved the song clip on their homepage. I finally ordered the CD right before Christmas. Unfortunately there was some type of problem at their end, but after I emailed the owner, he was especially apologetic and said he’d get the CD right out. He was extremely accommodating, because the package arrived only two days later. And I was full of … Continue reading

Scrapbooking Podcast: What it is and Where to Find Them

I’ve heard the question hundreds of times, what exactly is a podcast? A podcast is the latest in blog technology and is actually like a radio show and sometimes a video show you listen to or watch on your computer. You can also save the podcast to a CD or move it to an MP3 player. I’ve been known to download a whole series and burn them to CD. I can then pop them in my CD player in the car and listen while I’m running errands or sitting in traffic. The same works for an MP3 Player. There are … Continue reading