Gospel Doctrine: Men Ought Always to Pray

Yesterday, we talked about the parable of the wicked judge. Today, I’d like to take a look at why that parable was told. Christ provides the reason in the first verse of Luke 18: “that men ought always to pray, and not to faint.” We need to make sure that our physical bodies do not keep us from spiritual experiences. As a new mother, I’ve struggled with this greatly over the last six weeks. My schedule has been somewhat disrupted, and I have let my prayers and scripture study slide. Things have been on the “when you think of it” … Continue reading

Bible Stories: The Temptation of Jesus

In Matthew 4:1-11, the Bible speaks of the temptation of Jesus. While the concept of temptation may be too advanced for some children, I think it is an incredibly important concept for children who are a little older to understand. Even beginning at a young age, children will be tempted by their friends or by things they see on television to behave in ways that are unacceptable. Hopefully if children realize that temptations exist in this world, they will be better prepared to fight against the temptations that they are faced with in their lives. I would begin this lesson … Continue reading

Sin Separates

Sin separates . . . A husband and wife who vowed to love one another until death parted them Sisters who used to share all their secrets A mother from her child A child from his father Cousins who grew up together Friends who were closer than siblings Christians from their brothers and sisters in Christ Man from His Heavenly Father Is sin worth separation? Is the temporary, passing pleasure of sin worth losing a friend, spouse, or sibling? Is sin worth separation from the Lord? Sin is certainly not worth the separation from God. “Behold, the LORD’s hand is … Continue reading