To Pacify or Not to Pacify. That is the Question.

I’ve blogged before about how my first child was/is a thumb sucker, and my second loved his pacifier, but finally kicked the habit, and now we have my third that I feel we are at a crossroads with. You see,  he hasn’t been a great sleeper because of his tummy issues. We’ve always felt the need to continue night feedings with him. Well, now he is 14 months old, and starting to eat more, and it seems that he is fine going without food all night long. Sounds great, right? Well, my problem is that he seems to be getting more … Continue reading

The Pacifier Wars

Over the years, there has been a tug of war between proponents of the pacifier versus those who are against the pacifier have swung the pendulum back and forth. When my daughter was born, pacifiers were recommended against (especially if you were breastfeeding) and now once again the pendulum is swinging back to be in favor of the pacifier including as an aid to help reduce the changes of SIDS. Pro Pacifier On the pro pacifier side of the fence, there are the medical studies that suggest the babies sucking reflex helps to prevent SIDS. The pacifier is a great … Continue reading

The Great Pacifier Debate

I was recently shocked to find that the AAP was encouraging the use of pacifiers while baby sleeps. It seems that the use of a pacifier while baby is sleeping helps reduce the risk of SIDS. Interestingly, they readily admit that there are some negatives to using a pacifier. Still, according to the AAP, the fact that the use of a pacifier lowers the risk of SIDS, outweighs the other possible negative effects of pacifier use. I may be bold, but I’m not so sure I agree with the AAP. I have tended to disagree on many of their positions … Continue reading

Bad Binki, Bad! – How to Get Your Child OFF of Pacifiers

In a previous discussion, we talked about the facts and myths associated with pacifier use. If your baby does use a pacifier, and you feel it’s time for them to kick the habit, here is an idea that may be useful. Babies have a natural urge to suck. Often this urge progresses beyond bottle or breastfeeding. You may be surprised to know that this urge usually does not go away until approximately six to eight years of age. Children stop using pacifiers long before this time of course, but it’s interesting to note that the automatic desire to suck may … Continue reading

Pacifiers – A good idea?

Does your baby use a pacifier? If so, then you’re not alone. All babies have a natural sucking instinct. Sometimes that need to suck goes beyond feeding time. That is when a baby will usually take to sucking on their fingers or on a pacifier. But are pacifiers safe? Does using them inhibit breastfeeding? According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, you shouldn’t worry if your child sucks on a pacifier. As long as you follow the guidelines for purchasing and maintaining your child’s pacifiers, they are safe. Pacifier Recommendations: 1.Buy a one-piece pacifier with a soft nipple 2.Do not … Continue reading