A Lesson in Repentance

Today I was sitting at home doing some Saturday chores when there came a knock on my door. I wasn’t expecting anyone, so I went to the door not knowing what to expect. I opened the door, and a man and boy from my ward stood on my doorstep. I greeted them and asked how I could help, and the answer startled me. They were there to tell me that the boy and his cousin had damaged our rock wall a few days earlier. My husband had come home from work that day to find pieces of the rock wall … Continue reading

What Sort of Advertisement Are You?

Have you ever thought of yourself as an advertisement for the Christian faith and for Jesus? Because that’s what we are in a sense, an advertisement or ambassador for Jesus, 2 Corinthians 5:20. Does the thought that you are an ambassador for Jesus scare you? I admit sometimes it scares me. Whether we like it or not the world is watching us and the way we behave. If others see that we don’t act or speak any differently than that rest of society, they are going to conclude that our faith is of little value. That there is ‘no point … Continue reading

The Church is Full of Hypocrites

The church is full of hypocrites. Have you ever heard that comment? Maybe you’ve even said it or thought it yourself? There are times when I feel like a hypocrite. For example the other day I let frustration and anger get the better of me. Afterwards I felt awful about the situation. But sadly, as is so often the case, it wasn’t something I could go back and fix. I was left replaying the situation over and over in my mind. Then on Sunday I was up leading the singing in church. I felt like the biggest hypocrite, even more … Continue reading

Actions Bring Consequences

We often hear that God is a God of love and He is. He is also a God of judgment as we see in Isaiah 3. The thing is that God’s judgment does arrive without Him first giving His people warning of what is to come if they do not change their ways. Isaiah 3:1-8 God warns He will divest Judah of leadership supports because of defiant deeds. While we might criticize these people for not listening to Isaiah’s prophecy and the warning God gave, how often do we refuse to listen to what God is saying to us? Maybe … Continue reading

Scripture Study: 1 Nephi 16:26-32

Lehi’s family is wandering in the wilderness, and they are starving. The bows have lost their springs, and Nephi’s high quality steel bow was their last chance for survival. When his bow breaks, his brothers begin to murmur, and even Lehi complains against the Lord. But after Nephi speaks to his father and shows him loving respect befitting his position as patriarch of the family and prophet of the Lord, Lehi repents and goes to the Lord to inquire where Nephi should go to look for food. 26. And it came to pass that the voice of the Lord said … Continue reading

Taking Out the Trash

My children don’t seem to understand the difference between garbage and treasure. They hang on to every scrap of paper, yogurt container, soda bottle, tin foil bit, and inch of string. Every time I help them clean their rooms, we have deep discussions over what constitutes garbage and what really is worth keeping. I always throw out at least two garbage sacks of treasures, mostly for sanitary reasons but also for sanity reasons, and they are in tears because of it. I can’t wait until they are finally old enough to get what I mean when I say, “that’s garbage” … Continue reading

Scripture Study – 1 Nephi 16:1-6

Nephi has earnestly preached to Laman and Lemuel, trying to help them understand the importance of repentance. He has explained to them that if they do not repent, they will end up in endless torment. Even though his words aren’t pleasant, an undertone of pleading surrounds his words, and we can sense how badly Nephi just wants his brothers to listen and to change their ways. 1. And now it came to pass that after I, Nephi, had made an end of speaking to my brethren, behold they said unto me: Thou hast declared unto us hard things, more than … Continue reading

Scripture Study: 1 Nephi 15:35-36

After having a vision wherein Nephi saw the destruction of his brothers and their descendants, he returns to the camp of his father where he finds Laman and Lemuel waiting for him. They are troubled concerning the words of their father and they want to ask Nephi to explain things to them. The memory of his vision fresh in his mind, he wants to convince them to change their ways, and his earnest desire, coupled with their newfound willingness to listen, leads to a discussion about repentance and the need to live righteously. Perhaps concerned about the fate of their … Continue reading

Scripture Study – 1 Nephi 15:26-34

Nephi’s rebellious brothers are finally asking him questions about the words their father spake, and he is eagerly answering them. Anxious that his brothers finally see the truthfulness of the Gospel and repent, he has exhorted them with his whole soul. 26. And they said unto me: What meaneth the river of water which our father saw? 27. And I said unto them that the water which my father saw was filthiness; and so much was his mind swallowed up in other things that he beheld not the filthiness of the water. I think it’s interesting that Nephi picked up … Continue reading

General Conference From the Past: “And Why Call Ye Me Lord, Lord, and Do Not the Things Which I Say

Elder L. Tom Perry offered the following address at the October 1984 General Conference. You can read it in its entirety here, but I offer the following synopsis. From the Creation, the Lord has stressed the importance of obedience, beginning with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. After they were driven out, He gave them very specific commandments for them to follow. One of those commandments was that they should offer sacrifices unto His name. Adam did this faithfully, and one day was approached by an angel, who asked why he was doing this. Adam said, “I know … Continue reading