The Siamese Cat: Undeniable Aristocrat

I wonder how many of you out there remember the old Disney classic with the two Siamese cats singing, “We are Siamese, if you please, and we are Siamese if you don’t please. We come from the residence of Siam and there is not a finer cat than I am.” This jingle clearly reflects the attitude of these beautiful cats that are so well known for their vibrant and distinctive markings. The Siamese is one of the first recognized breeds of Oriental cat, although its exact origins are unknown. It is believed that they are descended from the sacred temple … Continue reading

Cat Breeds: Balinese

Flipping through a book of cat breeds the other day, I came across a lovely picture of a cat with a triangular face, almond-shaped eyes, a long coat, and a feathered tail. Allow me to introduce you to… the Balinese Cat! The name comes from the cat’s graceful movement — so much like a Balinese dancer! In truth, Balinese are long-haired Siamese Cats. Every so often, a long-haired kitten would appear in a litter of short-haired Siamese. These odd fuzzy kittens became the start of a whole new breed in the 1950s! Balinese Cats share a lot of features with … Continue reading

An Adoptive Mother’s New Years Resolutions 2006

1) To remember at all times “adoption” was an event that happened and not a label for my children. I do not introduce my biological children as my C-section babies and I will not introduce my little ones as my adopted children. 2) To take joy in the unique qualities and attributes my children have received from the biological family. And, to occasionally mention, to my children, in a positive way where those qualities and attributes must have come from. 3) To teach all of my children families are made many ways and how our family was put together has … Continue reading