Five Changes When You Go From Two Incomes to One Income

If you are considering switching from a two-income family to a one-income family, there are several things that you will need to consider as you make the change. You need to make sure that you can afford to make the change. If you feel that you can here are five things to consider to make the transition smoother. 1) You need to make sure that your entire family still has health insurance coverage. It is important to take this factor into account when you are considering your new budget. Health insurance coverage can vary widely from company to company and … Continue reading

Extreme Behavior Shaping

In my last blog, I talked about a behavior shaping technique called the 30-Second Technique as described by Dr. Jerry Day. In most cases, your child will comply by the time the sixth item has been taken away. Most will comply even earlier. However, just in case this method does not work you will have to continue removing items until you “clean the child out and empty the room.” Day says that in forty years of practice he knows of only two cases where parents had to go to this extreme. After you remove all of the child’s toys and … Continue reading