Trusting in a Bigger Picture

I’ve always believed that everything in life happens for a reason. My life hasn’t gone at all how I thought it would, but there have been many lessons that I have learned along my bumpy path. I made a lot of mistakes when I was younger. There were a few years when I wandered aimlessly. I had no real purpose, I was simply living in the moment, without realizing the lasting consequences that those decisions would make someday. My divorce gave me a chance to put all that behind me. It gave me a chance to start anew. I had … Continue reading

Blowing Off Steam

Having an ex adds a lot of undue stress in your life; have children with that ex and the stress multiplies by about a hundred…thousand…ok, it’s more like an infinite amount of stress that never ends with the signing of the decree. You’d think it get easier now that you’re not together, but it’s actually a lot harder when neither one of you is trying to make things work anymore. My ex and I try to keep things as civil as possible when it comes to Logan. I don’t want him to ever feel caught in the middle of his … Continue reading

Never Too Old

I was only 21 when I got divorced. I was extremely young, but I felt like I had lived the life of a much older woman. As time went on I wasn’t sure I would ever get married again. It seemed like I had been single for so long already, I just couldn’t understand why it was taking me so long to find someone again. I felt like I had a lot to offer, but all the men that kept coming into my life were, well…less than what I wanted for me and my son. Stealing credit cards and sneaking … Continue reading

Raising an Independent Child

As a parent you’ve probably heard the all familiar phrase, “I can do it myself!” Logan’s been a pro at this one for about as long as I can remember. He always wants to do everything on his own, if you try to help him he smacks your hand away, until he’s succeeded on his own. While this can be rather annoying for a parent, as it does tend to take about ten times as long, it is actually a very crucial step in your child’s development. You may be tempted to take over for your child, to speed things … Continue reading

The Life of a Working Single Mother

The life of a single mother is packed. Her mornings are spent running around like mad trying to get all the kids ready for school, packing lunches, pouring cereal, gathering things for work, making sure the kids got their homework done, then rushing to get them to the bus on time, and if she’s lucky she may even get out the door in time for work. She spends the day slaving away at her job, then comes home to make dinner, help the kids with homework, do the dishes, get the kids bathed and ready for bed, stories, and finally … Continue reading

Your Story is Not Over

My life has gone far from how I planned as a little girl. I always dreamed I’d marry a handsome man who was going to love and take care of our little family forever. Divorce was never in the cards. No one ever gets married thinking they’ll end up divorced, but it happens to a fair number of us regardless of what we planned. The night my ex-husband left I literally thought my life was over. I couldn’t imagine my life with anyone else. I had a child with this man. I didn’t know how I could possibly survive all … Continue reading

Beating the Odds

Divorce has a wide array of effects on children. They are certainly faced with more hardships than your average child in a two parent home and have had to overcome things in their young life that they never should have had to endure. It can be difficult at times and affects all children differently. We’ve all heard the typical stereotypes of children from these broken homes. They don’t do as well in school, they are more likely to have behavior problems, they may struggle with their future relationships, and they are more likely to end up in jail. As a … Continue reading

Love Makes a Family

Logan got a little spoiled with books this Christmas, thanks to Mommy’s thrift shop rummaging. I was tempted to be an indian giver when I fell in love with one of them, but luckily he is a good sharer. As we read the book I felt as if it was written just for us, so much so that it brought me to tears. It is about a single mother who is raising a little girl on her own. One day the little girl comes home from school and decides she wants a “real family,” and storms off next door. They … Continue reading

Gifts for the Other Parent

Christmas time is all about the gift of giving, but when it comes to presents for the ex, things get a little tricky. It has always been important to me for Logan to have the opportunity to give his dad something for Christmas, birthdays, and other such holidays. The first year his dad seemed to feel the same way. Though neither of us had much money, we both made an effort to take Logan to pick something out for the other. It meant a lot to Logan to be able to give us something, since he couldn’t do much on … Continue reading

Happiness in the Moment

I dread the holidays all year long, not because I don’t like them, but because they inevitably bring confrontation as my ex and I struggle to decide who gets Logan and who doesn’t. No matter what someone is missing their little boy and it tends to be a touchy subject for both of us. Believe it or not I’ve actually been dreading it since about the day after Christmas last year. I worried and fretted about it and wondered what would happen as we tried to coordinate everyone’s schedules so that Logan was able to see as much of his … Continue reading