Behavior Characteristics: For People Affected By Prenatal Alcohol Exposure

One of the most important things parents are advised is to be firm and consistent with our children, especially when it comes to behaviors. Natural consequences, time out, and other types of discipline are all common ways parents attempt to teach children behavior boundaries. I have 4 children, and with 3 of them standard, ordinary, logical parenting approaches have been very effective. However, I also have one child who was exposed to alcohol before her birth and suffers from Alcohol Related Neurodevelopmental Disorders (ARND) A physical disability of the brain. For this child parenting is a completely different story and … Continue reading

How to Handle a Verbally Abusive Spouse

A certain amount of verbal conflict is inevitable in a marriage relationship, and it would be unrealistic to expect otherwise. However, certain boundaries must be kept in mind when evaluating your marital conflict. There is a distinct difference between ordinary marital disagreements and cruel verbal abuse, but a surprising amount of emotional abuse victims are either in denial of their oppression, or see their submission as a marital duty. Verbal abuse is a misguided attempt by an insecure and manipulative spouse to exercise control and establish dominance in a relationship. By intimidating you, making outrageous demands, nullifying your every objection … Continue reading