Differing Views on Alternative Treatments

The New York Times Magazine published an article called “The Boy With a Thorn in His Joints”. In it, a mother describes how she went from traditional medicine to alternative medicine to treat her son’s condition. On Slate, there is a response to that article that discusses reasons not to use alternative medicine. Together, the two articles give a wide range of views about choices of treatment. An article called “The Boy With a Thorn in His Joints” was recently posted to the New York Times Magazine. It is six pages long, and was written by Susannah Meadows. It is … Continue reading

Alternative Medicine and Your Doctor

Alternative medicine is gaining in popularity. It comes in all sizes, shapes and colors. As we learn about it’s diversity and benefits, more and more Americans are giving it a try. Let’s face it, as a whole we’re a very unhealthy bunch. We are beginning to recognize that, and some of us look for more “natural” ways to reclaim our bodies than others. Most people, I think, try to strike a balance between the medical world and our alternative worlds. The bad part is we don’t always tell our medical doctors what else we are doing and vise-versa. That can … Continue reading

What is Ayurveda?

Five thousand years ago, spiritual texts called the Vedas set down the basis for Ayurveda — the science of life. A visit to an Ayurvedic practitioner will be very different from a visit to your general practitioner or family doctor! Treatments are geared towards a patient’s specific constitution — every person is made up of a unique combination of elements (earth, air, water, fire, and space). Your constitution is known as your pakruti, and is based on the constitution of your mother and father. Your constitution has a dominant pair of elements, known as a dosha — space and air, … Continue reading

Chemotherapy and Complimentary Medicine

Undergoing chemotherapy can be a stress on your mind and spirit as well as your body! Complimentary therapies can help reduce stress and ease side effects — but DO NOT take the place of medical therapies. Complimentary therapies add to the benefits of medical therapies and can help you feel more in control of your situation. Talk to your doctor before undergoing any complimentary therapies — you may have health issues that prevent you from taking part in certain techniques. Your doctor may also be able to help you find a qualified professional to help you learn these therapeutic techniques. … Continue reading