Take Extra Time to Find the Answers

Recently, I was at a hotel and I asked a question which the two desk clerks obviously didn’t know the answer to. One of them answered with a very sincere and apologetic, “I don’t know,” while the other one said to me “If you can wait a few minutes, I will see what I can find out.” Ordinarily, I would have been quite understanding and appreciate the apologetic “I don’t know.” After all, I would much rather someone simply tell me when they do not know the answer than to try to bluff. But, I realized that the clerk who … Continue reading

Developing a Strategy for Answering Questions

Once you get past the baby stage and your child starts talking, you soon learn that questions are the order of the day: “Why?” “What’s that?” and “When?” become constant words and phrases, ringing in your ears throughout the day. As children get older, the questions get more complicated–developing a strategy for answering and dealing with questions will help you keep the lines of communication open, without losing your mind… It may sound somewhat calculated to think of “developing a strategy”–but I think it is better than getting exasperated and frustrated and creating a world where your child stops asking … Continue reading

There Are Days When I Don’t Want to Answer Another Question!

I have written here in the Home Business blog about how important it is to focus on being “helpful” and structuring our business and marketing in such a way that we hone in on what we can do to improve the lives of our customers and clients. While I definitely subscribe to that approach to business, I thought it would be only fair for me to confess that are those days when the last thing I want to do is be helpful to anyone! There are those days when I don’t feel like I have any answers and I don’t … Continue reading

Are You Afraid to Scrapbook?

It seems like a strange question to ask, I know. However the longer I scrapbook, the more I hear people say that they are afraid to scrapbook. Afraid to scrapbook? I ask myself how anyone can be afraid to scrapbook, yet there really are some people that are. There are two different types of people that feel that way. The first is the type of person that is afraid of the cost, the commitment or their overall ability to scrapbook. They might see it as a huge investment, an ongoing project or a just another project they won’t finish. They … Continue reading

The Hard Questions

Sometimes, we get so caught up on the hard questions that it’s the question we focus on instead of the answer. When I was growing up, I remember asking my grandmother about how did you know when you were going to have a marriage that lasted for happily ever after and she said that was a hard question. I remember asking, how did you know if you could love someone forever and she said that was a hard question. Hard questions are hard because you can’t answer them definitively. Faith is a hard question – because you have to accept … Continue reading