The First Great Commandment

In the October 2012 general conference, Elder Holland gave a great talk titled, “The First Great Commandment.” That was the talk we discussed in Relief Society this past week. It was a great reminder that we can all be doing more to love God. What really impacted me was the following interpretation by Elder Holland regarding Peter’s exchange with the Lord, who asked him three times, “Lovest Thou Me?” When Peter responded in the affirmative the third time, Elder Holland says, “To which Jesus responded (and here again I acknowledge my nonscriptural elaboration), perhaps saying something like: “Then Peter, why … Continue reading

Gospel Doctrine: The Mount of Olives

In all honesty, I very rarely look at the setting as we study the New Testament (this despite all of my English major training to always keep it in mind!). However, as I reviewed some of my outside resources while studying the scriptures, the question was posed – What was the significance of the Mount of Olives? You mean there was a reason Christ spoke there? According to the Bible Dictionary, the Mount of Olives was a hill to the east of Jerusalem. The Savior visited here several times. When He entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, He stopped at the … Continue reading

The Divinity of Jesus Christ

With the advent of many books into the market, such as The DaVinci Code (which I enjoyed), The Last Templar (which I mostly enjoyed) and on and on and on, the divinity of Christ has been called into question so much that some Christian sects are backing off, they are now saying that Jesus Christ is not God. I am deeply saddened by this. Our Lord and Savior condescended to come to this earth as a mortal babe. He grew into adulthood with parents that loved and accepted Him and brothers who struggled with that same knowledge. At thirty years … Continue reading