When Did Your Children Start Taking Showers?

Bath time in our home is a key part of our bedtime routine. However, it is also a monumental production… for two reasons: First, the bathtub has morphed into another playroom. There are more toys in there than an average daycare has in its entire building. That’s not counting the 31 “flavors” of bubble bath, gels, beads, funny foam and other various accoutrements that my daughter chooses to enhance the water with on a nightly basis. This, of course, turns what could be a simple 5-minute wash-n-go, into a 55-minute (when I’m lucky) play-a-thon. Second, my preschooler screams like a … Continue reading

Bathtime Chaos or Bathtime Calm?

To watch movies and television shows, bathtime with babies, toddlers, and small children is often a time of sweet bonding and mellow conversation. Anyone who has actually parented knows that bath time can often be a battle, a mess, and a time of crazy chaos. Getting kids bathed and ready for bed, or having a morning shower to get ready to head out the door can be anything but calm! My kids went through stages when it came to bath and hygeine. They did not all three love bath time from the very beginning–some did, some did not like the … Continue reading