Facts About Breastfeeding

New mothers need to decide if they want to breastfeed their baby or to give their baby formula. Each individual mom will make that chose based on their circumstances and their personal preferences. The World Health Organization (WHO) has some informative facts about breastfeeding. The WHO points out that breastfeeding for the first six months is crucial. They recommend that mothers initiate breastfeeding with one hour after birth. According to the WHO, infants should be exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life to achieve optimal growth, development, and health. They also recommend that breastfeeding should continue for up … Continue reading

Let’s Be Honest About Formula vs. Breast Milk

I am concerned about the discussions going on around me. What prompted me to write this blog was one of the discussions in the forums. However, comments about ‘formula being as good as breast milk’, or ‘the breastfeeding Nazis’ aren’t only found there. There seems to be a definite division between the breast milk mamas and the formula mamas. But let’s be honest–breast milk, is NOT the same as formula. It’s scientifically just not. To be honest, if you look at the data, it’s not even a close second. No matter how much we want to pretend that it is … Continue reading

Why Breast is Best

I’ve talked in my blogs before about the various reasons why breast milk is superior to formula. However, I want to take a minute and review the reasons why breast milk is the best possible food for your baby: Nutrients that Promote Brain Development 1. DHA. DHA (docasahexaenoic acid) has been proven to be an important nutrient for growth and development of brain tissue. DHA is present in higher concentrations in breast fed infants and it is thought that this is one way in which breast milk promotes brain development. 2. The Right Cholesterol. Cholesterol is not so great in … Continue reading

Extended Breastfeeding–Why you Should Breastfeed for a Few Years

When you think of breastfeeding your baby, how long are you thinking you will breastfeed? 6 months? A year? Extended breastfeeding is not very common in the United States, but breast milk is the absolute best nutrition not just for your baby but for your toddler too! Breast milk is a fairly amazing substance. Not only does it supply your child’s complete nutritional needs (and is capable of doing so for the first year of life without any help from solid food) but it is a living substance. It changes properties according to the needs of your child. It is … Continue reading