Building a Strong Connection to Your Toddler

Last week, I wrote about how excited I was about the release of Dr. Laura Markham’s book, “Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids: How to Stop Yelling and Start Connecting”. Now that I actually have the book in my possession, thanks to Kindle for Android, I am even more excited about it. I am about halfway through reading the book, and I know that it is going to be a valuable reference that I turn to again and again. One of the wonderful things about this book is that Dr. Laura Markham does not stop at explaining why kids benefit from the … Continue reading

Saying Goodbye to Your Doctor

Last week, my wife and I received a letter in the mail informing us that our daughter’s GI doctor was leaving the Children’s Hospital in our city and would be joining a new practice in the state of Ohio. We had been to see this doctor only a month prior, and he had given us no indication that such a move was imminent; so I am sure you can appreciate how taken aback we were when we received the news. Let me be clear, by no means do my wife and I begrudge this man’s decision in any way. We … Continue reading

The State of Marriage can affect the State of Health

The way we relate to each other is of course important, but never as important as when one spouse is ill or injured. Any stress can negative affect the outcome, recovery, and side effects of surgery, but marital stress appears to play an even greater role. Studies indicate that there is such a strong mind/body connection between spouses that marital discord can delay healing or even lead to complications when surgery is at issue. This is how profoundly we affect one another, which shows us that things we often think of as “no big deal,” may often be a very … Continue reading